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Sam got a running start ad leapt. He clutched the vine as tight as he could as he swung out over the swamp. Lucy, duck! Sam shouted. Sam swung over her head like Tarzan, the star of the old movies his dad loved. But Sam was no Tarzan. His fingers slipped from the vie ad he crashed to the wet ground. OOMF! Sam scrambled to his feet. He had made it to the other side!

Hurry, Sam! Lucy cried out. The branch was tugging on her backpack, pulling her deeper into the swamp. If she let go of the log, shed be dragged under in a second! Sam yanked off his hall monitor sash and threw one end to Lucy. Grab on! Sam said. Ill use this to pull you free!

Lucy grabbed the sash. Sam used all his might to pull. SCHLURP! Lucy ripped one foot from muck ad finally broke free from the branch awful gasp. When Sam and Lucy were far enough away from the swamp, they collapsed.

Wait! Lucy cried. Wheres Antonio? he ran in the other direction. I Heard him scream! He could be gone! Just then, there was an ear-splitting crash. and another. It was coming from the pine trees ahead!

What are those n-n-noises?! Lucy asked. Sam had no idea. The crash sounds grew lounder and louder. someone-or something- was coming toward them!

This might be shorter than before but i was lazy🤣😂😄

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