{10} Wild Return

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Together, they leisurely dragged themselves to the store. The two reached the grocery store, and the sensory machine hanging on top of the automated doors caught the presence of the newcomers, and it signalled for the door to open.

'Damn, technology is cool...'

Suzume took in a breath of cool air, and gazed at the various items on display.

"What do we need to get?" Atsumu asked his sister as he turned around, like a lost child.

"I have a list, could ya get that cart for me?" Suzume pointed at the shopping carts neatly organised at the near corner of the entrance.

Atsumu nodded before taking off, and he returned soon after. Suzume decided to check out the meat aisle first,  she eyed the products kept in a fridge and took the specific ones she needed.

When she turned to locate the cart, she found Atsumu wandering off as he observed the live fish in a tank.

'Dealin' with an absolute shit head of a child, this is goin' to be a long day...'

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

Suzume unlocked the gate of the house, and when she stepped foot into the yard, her eyes widened. Her grip on the bags of groceries in hand loosened, and she almost let them fall to the ground.

"What in the kentucky fried chicken is goin' on?"

From what she could comprehend, Osamu was having a battle with a... is that a raccoon? He had a protective helmet on, a rake in his right hand, and a metal lid held out to imitate a shield. Suzume really wished she was hallucinating, this was a wild scene.

Meanwhile, the raccoon was hissing at the grey haired boy, but it hesitated to advance once it saw the two comrades of its enemy.

"I found this lil' bud takin' shelter in our dumpster, it also attempted to get into our sweet home," Osamu explained the unexpected situation, his eyes never once leaving the hostile animal.

Suzume sighed, and handed the groceries to Atsumu, who was cowering outside of the gates, "Leave the poor animal alone, violence isn't the answer to everything ya know?"

She entered the house, careful to quickly shut the door close before it can try to get in again. She digged out the cut resistant gloves, some bread, and a net.

Suzume returned back and wore the gloves, she carefully approached the animal, foot turned to prepare to book for it if the creature was to attack her. She gently held her hand out, and she attempted to calm down the animal, "Hey, I'm not tryin' to hurt ya, I just wanna get you outta here."

It hissed at her once again, and she groaned in frustration. She abandoned her plan and grabbed the water hose.

"I'm sorry 'bout this but we really need you to leave," Suzume meekly apologised as she turned on the tap.

When the water sprayed out of the hose with great force, she aimed it so that the water was directed at the ground near the raccoon. It ran, and Suzume guided it out of the compound using the hose.

Once it left, she turned off the tap. As Osamu watched the raccoon scurry out of their yard, he shouted after it, "If ya can't pay the rent, yer not allowed to stay, Harry!"

Suzume shot him a concerned look, "Harry?"

"I named it."

"Mhm, I see, now clean this mess up, we'll join ya in a short while."

Osamu obeyed Suzume's instructions and he kept away his 'weapons'. Atsumu peaked from behind the gate entrance, and once he confirmed that the feral raccoon Osamu called Harry was no longer haunting their yard, he carried the multiple bags of groceries back into the house.

WIth the assistance of Atsumu, Suzume sorted out the groceries and arranged them in the various cupboard, drawers, and the fridge.

They later joined Osamu in cleaning up the once used warzone they call their yard. Suzume raked the leaves as Atsumu mowed the lawn. Their chores last till four in the afternoon, and Suzume allowed for the twins to rest.

She herself took the initiative to take a short nap, and walked back to her own room. But instead of actually sleeping, thirty minutes passed as she stared blankly at the ceiling. When the clock struck six in the evening, she decided to prepare dinner.

On Suzume's way to the staircase, she encounterd Atsumu, his hair dripping wet. Suzume looked at him and she eyed the water droplets trailing behind him.

She slapped Atsumu in the shoulder, "Use a god damn towel!"

Atsumu pouted in response, but continued to go along his way. Suzume sighed as she watched Atsumu's figure grow smaller, until it disappeared into a room. She decided to pay no mind to the water staining the floor, and walked towards the kitchen.

Suzume quickly whipped up a meal, and she arranged the cutlery and bowls of food on the table. She brought out a speakerphone and turned the power on, and the volume setting to its highest.


In less than a minute, the twins were already at the table. They thanked her for the food and begin to dig in. Suzume heaved a sigh when she saw Atsumu and Osamu literally shoving the food into their mouths, but it morphed into a soft smile.

'I'm just glad they enjoy the food...'

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

The alarm wemt off, and Suzume groaned as she rolled out of bed. Her eyes squinted at the clock in annoyance as it continued ringing. She smacked the snooze button, and relief instantly washed over her. She went on with her morning routine; getting ready for school, cooking their lunches and breakfasts, and last but not the least... waking the twins up.

She wrapped the lunch boxes in decorative cloth, and fastened the knot. She groaned once again at the thought of having to wake up the two sleeping beauties. An idea popped up in her head, and a sinister grin made its way onto her face.

When Suzume discreetly entered the room, she was surprised by Osamu already wide awake, brushing his teeth. He glanced over to Suzume questioningly, but she put a finger to her mouth, to ask him to keep quiet.

Osamu nodded and watched her plot in interest.

After the preparations were complete, she shook Atsumu, and exclaimed, "Tsumu, there's somethin' on yer face!"

Atsumu's natural instincts told him to slap his face, and he did so. But instead of finding what he expected to be a bug, he found white cream now smeared on his face. He shot up, and saw the same cream on his right palm.

Atsumu glared at Osamu, who only shook his head, to plead himself innocent. Then he found Suzume standing by the doorway with a can of whipping cream. They maintained eye contact for five seconds, before Suzume ran off.

"Get yer ass back here!"

Sincerely, Yours (Haikyuu x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu