Chapter 9

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Aliya's p.o.v
What is he doing with vivek how come they know each other... and why an i asking all these questions to my self i'm not really getting anywhere just then my thoughts got intrupted by the one and only him self teela

zayn: "Oyy drama queen i didn't know u were getting married to my collegue from London" zain said more like yelled

my eyes were left wide open

Vivek: "Aliya are u ok u look like u just saw me naked" Vivek asked with amusement clear in his eyes

Sometimes i think every guy is a ass a bad jack ass who annoy u so much that u want to grab them by the head and spin and then slam to the floor
This time i was willing to do that cuz
Every one started to laugh

I let out a nervous laugh before grabbing zain and pulling him towards the corridors

Aliya: "do u mind excusing us for a moment" i looked back to Vivek and the others who were just as surprised by my gesture as Vivek

I turned my gaze back to zain

Aliya: "Wat do u think ur doing, why r u trying to break my off my wedding, is this one of ur tricks again if it is then stop it right now or el-"

Midway i get interrupted my zain's hands on my mouth

Zain: "shut up and stop with ur blabbering" zain turned around his back on me so he was looking out the window
"Ur such a pain in the butt wats ur problem? leave me alone give it a rest it's not my fault that ur fiancé turned out to be my well known colleague"

I turned him around and just as i did Vivek called out for me

Aliya: "coming" i said to Vivek before turning to look at zain again

"This isn't over" n with that i sprinted back to Vivek

Not missing zain mocking wat i had just said

Seriously he is the biggest ass around

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