CH 2

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The small crack of sunlight hitting my face.i turn to try hiding myself from it and get a bit more sleep.When all of a sudden my room door opens and Sara jumps on me.

"Rise and shine!" i groan "just 5 more minutes"

"Nope we are leaving in an hour so get ready" she says while getting up from my bed and leaving.

I rub my eyes to try and adjust to the light. I walked to my bathroom ,to brush my teeth and shower.

After getting out I put on makeup and a cute outfit.Then grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. Sara was already waiting for me in the living room.

"Are you done?" she asked looking up from her phone.
"Yeah,but are you sure about this, what if something happens?" i ask

"y/n, trust me we are going to be fine.Plus I really think you need this you're stressed with school,you've been really uptight lately." she stood up and grabbed her bags then walked to the front door.

"Yeah you're right it's going to be fun, you're going with me" i smiled and picked my bags up and walked with her to the car.
After what seems like 2 hours of driving we finally arrived at the mountains.Stepping out the car the cold wind hit my face. I looked around and it was absolutely gorgeous.Taking my phone out to take a picture.

"Come one lets go and find a good cabin before more people come."i grabbed my bags and walked behind Sara to this huge beautiful wooden cabin. We opened the door, set our things down and started to unpack. Then there was a knock on the door,I looked at Sofia who was already walking towards the door.

"Hello ladies , i see that you guys are unpacking. I am one of the supervisors on this trip. We aren't going to be bossing you guys around. We want you to have fun. We are just here to make sure no one gets hurt or lost.if you have a question or need anything please let me know."

Then the teacher left. I played music on my phone so we could hurry and unpack.After we were done doing that
Sara said, "Mmm Y/N want to go walk with me?" my eyes light up

"Are you kidding?!" I hurried to put on my shoes and waited for Sara outside.
We walked around the area where there was a huge pond,bonfires,and a cafe. This place was just gorgeous .We ran into some people that we knew.

It was now night time and Sara had her hand intertwined with mine, we were sitting in front of the bonfire.

"Sara and y/n?" It was Mark with haechan next to him.
"hey guys i didn't know you were coming." i was confused

"Yeah i'm as surprised to see you here ?" he says as he sits next to me and haechan sits next to Sara.

"Well Sara was the one with the idea of us coming here,I'm glad I came. It's only the first day and i love it so much already." I looked up at the stars as everyone fell quiet.

"Umm..  I'm getting a bit thirsty. I'm going to get something to drink."Sara stood up and walked away.

"she's acting a bit weird" i thought to myself.

"Me too we'll be back .. wait up!" Mark says and tries to catch up with her.

So it was only Haechan and me.It was even quieter then before.The sound of people talking faintly in the background and fire popping was the only thing not making it really awkward,but I was getting nervous and I tried my hardest to not show it.

"It's okay there's , no need to be nervous. I know we barely know each other but i really want to be friends."Haechan says all of a suddenly ,I only laughed awkwardly.

"I-i'd like that."i reply
"You're cute you know" he says all of a sudden and I can feel my face get really hot.He moves closer to me.

" I heard that there's a waterfall like a mile from here.Do you want to go tomorrow with us, it's going to be me,Mark,Jaehyun and Johnny? You can bring your friend too."he was really excited about the waterfall. I thought it was cute.

"I will ask my friend but more than likely yes."i smile at him and he gives me the biggest smile.

"Great,we are going to meet in the cafe at 10 am." I smiled and thanked him for inviting us.Shortly after Sara and Mark came back.We decided to head back to our cabins since it was getting pretty late.
Cleaning up the board game we were playing.
"Hey,Haechan invited us to go see a waterfall tomorrow.Want to go?" I ask Sara who is getting ready for bed. She stood quiet.

"Is Mark going?" I was kinda shocked that she even asked that.

"Yes of course why wouldn't he?"

"Then i'm not sure I want to go then." i felt so confused

"Why did Mark do something to you?"

"No no no i just ..." she was quiet again. I was starting to get inpatient

"What is it?" she didn't say anything

"Okay fine don't tell me then." I turn off my lamp and layed in bed.

"Okay i will tell you." i turn my lamp back on and faced her with a smirk on my face.

"You have to promise me to not say anything" and i crossed my heart. She took a deep breath.

" i really like mark.." i felt my eyes grow big and my jaw drop and I didn't say anything for a couple minutes then I wanted to facepalm myself .how could i be so clueless.IT  WAS SO OBVIOUS. I shock my head and went back to my normal face.

"That's alright,i will help you out"


"Yea what are friends for! Having the thought of both of my best friends together is so cute!" she giggled at my comment.

"Alright well we should go to sleep if we are going tomorrow,goodnight y/n" she turned off both lamps and went to bed.I had a really big smile on my face. I guess we are going tomorrow then.

"Goodnight Sara," I said back to her and fell to sleep.

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