The Man That Started It All

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14th June 2014

I was sitting in Julia's Cafe, reading Agatha Christie's ABC Murders.
A friend had recommended it to me, and I had been completely immersed in it, when he walked up to me.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

The man had his hand on the seat, and he was wearing gloves, which I had found very peculiar, since it was the middle of summer.
I looked up to see his smooth straight black hair and daunting orange - almost red - eyes..

Must be wearing contacts, I thought.

"Umm, no, please go ahead" I rushed out, and went straight back to  reading, in an attempt to avoid an awkward conversation.

I had no such luck, as I heard the chair scraping across the floor, and the clink of his glass cup on the table.

"Well, I'm not sure you're supposed to ignore the person you just invited to sit with you?"
He smiled at me, as if I was the fool. Though, I suppose, in the end I was.

"I don't recall inviting you to sit"

"But on the contrary, you said go ahead." He gave me a smirk and continued, "I'll buy you a dink to make up for intruding on your free time."

How could I resist a free drink and a charming face?

"Sure, but I'm not gonna order something cheap just because you are paying."

He laughed, "I wouldn't want you to!"

From there we began to chat, and as we talked night grew near.

Soon it was closing time, and we unanimously decided to walk home together.

"So, you've been on your own since then?" His voice was curious, yet cautious. I had just been telling him about the accident that killed my parents, and left me orphaned.

"I guess, but I've always had my best friend by my side, so it's never been too bad. I'm not much for meeting new people, so it's always just been me and her."

"Hmm" he appeared thoughtful as we arrived by the empty park a few blocks from my place.

He stopped suddenly.

"Lets go play!"

His expression was an almost childlike excitement, and it was contagious.

We played in the rain, like a couple of kids. It was a carefree moment, that I will never forget.

Stopping suddenly he said,"I wanna show you something, follow me!" and  ran off into the woods by the park.

I didn't know him well but he didn't seem too bad...
Should I just go for it?
I decided to have some fun.

An honest mistake.
I mean how was I to resist the alluring curiosity of his existence?

So, I ran off after him.

"You know Jayna, I've never met a human I've actually liked before." He said in his velvety voice.

The fact that he said human should have set off some alarm bells, but it was too late.
I had already fallen to his charm.

He turned around so abruptly that I bumped into him.
Our faces, close together, "It's a shame I'm hungry, and you're on the menu, because I'd rather have not killed you."

It hadn't registered in my head what he had said, because it all sounded so gentle.

Immediately after he put his lips on mine, I felt something stab me.

Straight through my chest.

Then my stomach.

Then my sides.

He never once moved his lips away from mine.

I couldn't breathe anymore.

The last thing I saw was a flash of lightning, behind the face with the glowing ruby eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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