Episode 12

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"Did you not think to look at the gas?!" Demi snaps Joe sighing sitting down on the edge of the bed running his fingers through his hair again. He was trying to think what they could do now, they wouldn't survive a month in here without food but at least they had water from the tap. He didn't know how good it would taste but when you're thirsty you would drink anything you could get your hands on. He honestly didn't know how they would survive if they didn't  have any food, he guessed not long at all and with Demi being pregnant it made the situation even worse. He got them into this mess and he needed to get them out as soon as possible.

"I saw some teenagers around the car, when I got closer and after they ran away it looks like they slashed the gas holder. There was enough in the when I shut the engine off so they did something." Joe explains remembering the puddle of gas on the floor as he watched the teenagers run off, he had no idea why they were so far out in the woodland areas.

"What we going to do now?" Demi inquires a little calmer.

"I honestly don't know, let me think a little bit. I'm sorry for getting you into this mess." Joe says laying down on the bed again Demi wanted to say that it wasn't his fault but she knew that it was. She just hoped he came up with something and fast.

"I think baby wants feeding." Demi mumbles the next morning hugging her stomach, she hasn't eaten since the night before when she ate her leftover lunch and it was coming up to nearly twelve hours since she's eaten. With carrying her son or daughter she easily needed three meals a day and maybe even snacks but she couldn't see that happening. She just hoped they got out before anything bad happened, she wanted a healthy baby at the end of this.

"I'll go into the forest and see if I can find anything." Joe states standing up shrugging his jacket over his shoulders.

"Don't pick up any mushrooms, they could be harmful." Demi reminds.

"Of course, I'll see if there are any berries or something." Joe replies Demi nodding her head watching him leave the cottage and head further into the forest. She sighs laying down on the bed covering herself with the sleeping bag. She just wanted to be home where she knew that her baby would be safe. It had been a tough couple of days but she didn't know how strong she could stay anymore. She really felt in danger now.

"I found some fruits," Joe says as he wonders back through into the cottage his hands cupped together, he wonders over to the bed laying them down after her gives them a wash. "I left some so I can go back in the morning."

"You want some?" Demi inquires as she starts picking at them. She wasn't fond of berries but she'd eat anything at the moment just to keep her baby as healthy as she could, it would be a hard task but she would try her best.

"No, you eat them all. I'll be fine." Joe says slumping on the floor his back against the wall. He slipped his phone out of his pocket sighing when there weren't any signal on the phone and he was starting to run out of charge. He doubted there would be signal so far out but he wanted something good to actually happen to him and he thought maybe it finally would.

"What about if you go out onto the road again? I know nobody hardly drives down but maybe you could pick up a signal." Demi suggests.

"It's worth a go, I'll go in a bit." Joe states tilting his head back, he wanted a shower more than anything not having one since he left to meet his friends the other night. He should have taken the chance at the hotel when he could should have probably brought some food from a shop, maybe then they could survive out here longer. It felt strange to both of them thinking that they could meet their death in this cottage but they tried not to think about it much.


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