'I suppose Norman has a point. If it was just to take us by surprise, she wouldn't have made us do those chores.' I think .

I sigh.

'and I thought we were doing good. This just reminds me, we are still children in the palm of her hand. And what waits beyond that is certain death.' I recall as I squeeze Emma's hand harder.

Emma looks over at me concerned. I turn to her and speak.

"It's all about Mom. Unless we surpass her, there's no way we can escape."

I think Emma was about to say something to me but Ray cuts her off.

"Y'know maybe making us depressed is also what she was going for." Ray starts

"I'm way better at strategy than you. I see right through you. Give up. Is probably what Mom is trying to tell us" Ray continues, I nod

"If she dangled hints in front of us, that's what she wanted to show off. We don't have to play by her rules. In the end, if we escape it's our win." Ray finishes

"Yeah! Crying would only satisfy the enemy. Also, I think that was the most motivational thing you've ever said, Ray." I reply.

Ray snorts at my last comment.

"We should actually be happy about this." Ray says.

"Huh?" Emma asks while Norman looks intrigued.

"Now we have more sources of information. Carol and Sister Krone." Ray explains.

Emma gasps as the realization that Ray was correct hits her.

"We needed more information. So, in that sense, this situation isn't so bad." Ray confirms.

"This isn't over yet!" Emma exclaims.

'Yeah. We're the ones who'll win in the end.' I think with a smirk.


Emma, Ray, Norman, and I had gathered in the library.

"I was too distracted by the tracking devices." Norman mudders under his breath.

However, I was standing right next to him and was able to hear what he said.

"Norman, you're still beating yourself up over that?" I ask, placing my hand on his shoulder comfortingly in case he was

Norman sighs and looks over at me, giving me a smile. I take my hand off his shoulder.

"Not really... I'm just thinking about everything." Norman admits.

"I feel you. It's definitely stressful." I say, agreeing with Norman.

Norman lets out a little chuckle.

Mine and Norman's little chat got the attention of Emma and Ray.

"Hey. Something else is on my mind." Ray speaks up.

"What's the matter, Ray?" Emma asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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