"They are meant to cause harm," Moody repeated, looking around the class. "Many wizards hear Dark Arts and think the most gruesome. Blood sacrifices, the Unforgivables. Why?"

Hermione chanced a peek at Severus, but he wasn't saying anything. No one was. She raised her hand.


"The narrow-minded are unable to take the term out of the box they have put it into."

"And what's the box?"

"Evil. But there's a difference between a Dark wizard and a wizard who uses Dark Magic."

"No there isn't," James butted in. The whole class shifted its attention to him. "A wizard who uses Dark Magic is Dark by definition."

"Think so, Potter?" Moody asked. He looked around the room. "Who here has used a jinx? Come on, don't be shy. Forget I'm your bloody teacher for a moment. Who's used a jinx? Stinger? Jelly-Leg?"

Hermione raised her hand first; Severus gave her a side-eye glance and a slight grin before he did the same. Nearly everyone around the room raised their hands, the Marauders doing so only after the majority of the class had.

"Then by your definition, Potter, this whole room's full of Dark witches and wizards, yourself included," Moody said.

"No." James shook his head. "No, jinxes are stupid. Child's stuff."

"Jinxes are, by definition, Dark Magic," Hermione retorted, turning in her seat to face the pompous arse. "There are three kinds of Dark Magic, ranging in severity. The Unforgivables are, of course, the worst, and carry an automatic life sentence in Azkaban for non-wartime use. Hexes, considered mild to severe Dark Magic, are intended to cause a major inconvenience to their target or victim. And jinxes, considered mild Dark Magic, cause minor inconvenience to the person they are cast on." She knew her voice had taken on that haughty, know-it-all tone that annoyed most people, but she couldn't stop. The confusion on Sirius' face, the uncertainty on Peter's, and James' ashen expression was worth slipping into it. "The Dark Arts do not equate evil. It is not the spell, but the intent behind it. A severing charm was created to help a seamstress cut fabric, but it can easily be used to remove an appendage. It's Dark Magic, but only because of what it can do should the user intend it for such an outcome."

"Well said, Granger," Moody said. "By Potter's definition, the whole Aurory is corrupt. Your assignment and homework: twelve inches on intent in Dark Magic and how it affects the outcome. Get started."

James hadn't moved, Sirius was trying to get his attention, and Peter moved slowly but thoughtfully.

"Do you memorize textbooks, or do you just always manage to sound like one?" Severus asked under his breath.

Heat suffused Hermione's cheeks. "Bit of both, I think."

Severus snorted but said nothing more as he started on his essay.

The rest of the class passed without anyone saying much of anything.

Remus, at the end, hung back to speak to the rest of the Marauders as James still looked like he was in a stupor.

"You know what I realized?" Lily said as they were leaving the classroom. "This upcoming Hogsmeade weekend is the last before Christmas."

"Yes," Severus said. "What of it?"

"Well," Lily said with a coy smile, flipping her hair. "Not only is it the last chance to shop for presents without doing it through owl order, but the last opportunity to find a dress for the Yule Ball. I, being a prefect, was in the know of its pending approach. I'll have a few duties that night, of course. I'll have to do rounds, but other than that, I'll get to enjoy the dance. Do you think you'll go this year, Sev?"

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