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"There are some human beings who are dimly aware of their own deaths, yet have chosen to stay on in what used to be their homes, to be close to surroundings they once held dear. " -Hans Holzer

The sun hit the small mirror on the wall which reflected the light on hand making my long fingers look pale and more bruised , the outline of the cut on my index finger looks more fresh. It's another night were i can't lay down and close my eyes scared that i'd face the same thing i face every night. The pills that i take are not helping me anymore. They said the nightmares will disappear and that i'll sleep normally again , but again i don't remember what normal sleep is anymore.

The phone rang loudly making me close my eyes in annoyance , the sound made my head spin and vibrate. I looked at the screen and sighed , seeing that it's my boss and i can't ignore "hello , Styles" He said as soon as i pressed answer "Hello , Mr. Williams"i replied

"I don't have a lot of time , Harry , so i'm just gonna ask you straight forward"he spoke in a rushed thick voice making it hard to understand what he's saying "did you find a place near your new workplace?"he asked "i did , sir"i mumbled frowning "that's why you're my favorite , Styles, anyway i've got to go now , you'll have to move there in less than a week , you know that ,right?"he asked

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "i know , sir"i said "great , now have a good day , Styles"he ended the call without waiting for a reply.

My heartbeat slowed down and the heat rushed to my face , my hands made their way towards my hair and tugged hard. I took the nearest pillow on the bed and laid my face on it , the screams left my throat without a second thought , my cries were loud , it made my chest feel like it's on fire , but that's what my therapist told me to do instead of trying to hurt myself , and i listen to her cause i want to get better, i really do.




My eyes were glued on the porch of the new house , the house was too big for it's price , this house was the cheapest one on the market and it's the largest. I hesitantly walked towards the front door and took out the keys from my pocket "i thought privet tours aren't allowed here anymore" a voice spoke making me spin involuntarily "sorry?" i asked the guy that was leaning against the street light pole

"what are you doing here?"he chuckled and lit a cigarette , i looked at his appearance , he looks about twenty-five years old or younger , he has blond hair , green eyes , very sharp cheek bones and jaw line. "it's my house?" i said and his smirk vanished "your house?"he asked frowning , i nodded my head confused

He nodded his head with a clearly fake smile "well , congrats mate"he said extending his hands towards me to shake "I'm George by the way" , i looked at his hand for a second before slowly shaking his hand "Harry" i said "i'll be seeing you around then, Harry" he smirked , he adjusted his mid rise jeans and made his way towards the back of the house "hey!" i called and ran towards where he headed.

I stopped as i noticed that he's nowhere to be seen , the big huge backyard have a  huge fence walls that no one can escape easily , there was just a small door that leads into the house , i ran towards the door and tried to open it but it was locked "what the hell?"i mumbled

I kept looking around as i walked back to the porch "where the hell did he go?"i mumbled to myself , the weather was too hot to stay outside and i was wearing a thick hoodie , i opened the front door and walked in , locking the door behind me , not before looking around me one more time.

I stood in my place stunned at the size and at the furniture in front of me , the luxurious house was filled with paintings and old picture of different things , i walked towards a portrait painting of an old lady with a small child on her lap , the picture frame next to it looks very old , it was a black and white picture of a family of four , a lady and a man holding two small children.

The tour around the house was quite long since the house is quite large. The house is very cold compared to the weather outside making me hug my hoodie. After placing my bags inside one of the rooms , loneliness crept in , my heart started to slow down , my mine filled with dark thoughts and my chest full of caged screams that want to be set free.

"A/N : The story gets better i promise "

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