Three Years Thereafter

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I walked into the Gryffindor common room finding myself drawn towards the warm fire with my magizoology book. Like every afternoon I plopped down into the leather sofa placing my feet up on the arm. I watched as the other third years mingled and gossped in their groups. A group of girls in the corner whispered, fawning over Neville Longbottom. They'd be fighting the next week over who would take him to the Yule ball. It was the talk of the school at the moment. Who's Cedric going with? Who's Harry going with? And who's Draco going with? I slammed the book closed. It was loud enough to turn a few heads including those of the Neville obsessed girls who now looked at me as if I were the dirt beneath their feet. I glared back at them. I had no need for a bunch of judgy teenage witches who would rather make love potions than learn helpful spells.

Having had my peace disturbed by my own thoughts, I decided to make my way to the dining room. The stairs were much easier to dictate than they used to be. In my first couple of weeks at Hogwarts I had gotten so lost with the shifting stairs that I winded up sleeping in one of the hallways, using my books as a pillow. Now it's like riding a bike. A bike that I fell off of many times when I first started trying to ride it. I stood onto the next staircase which disconnected and swung towards what I would consider to be my worst nightmare. Draco Malfoy stood at the end of the staircase grinning ear to ear. Not the smile he used to sport when we played as children, but the smile of a predator, wicked and alluring. "Malfoy." I agknowledged, face stern with little warmth. Not being phased in the slightest he strode onto the stairwell leaning his elbows against the rail. "You know,  there was a time when you called me Draco...However, that was before you became friends with a filthy mud-blood, Potter, and the help." To that I scoffed and rolled my eyes waiting for the stairwell to move to the hallway leading to the dining room. "Still trying to impress Daddy hey?" His eyebrows scrunched in frustration and annoyance, then relaxed. "I like it when you use that word." I scoffed yet again as the stairwell finally connected to the hallway. "if only you'd made it into Slytherin instead." He said and I thought I heard genuine regret in his voice behind all the vibrato he tried to hide it behind. Without looking back I walked straight towards the dining room. I could hear his feet close on my heels and sped up to keep distance.

The dining room chatter was loud and comforting, a contrast to the silence that took over my thoughts when Draco was around. I'd only been alone with him a very small amount of times since starting at Hogwarts three years ago. The first few times had been quiet, silence from both parties. But in recent times he's been louder, mouthier and...flirtier?? I shook my head. How rediculous, he would never look at me that way, especially not after the sorting ceremony, and especially not now that I'm friends with what he deems "the help" and "filthy mud-bloods." At best he considers me Gryffindor scum. Not that I care, he's a prejudiced, snotty, rich bully with daddy issues.

I walked to the Gryffindor table and sat beside Ron facing Hermione and Harry. Harry was still in his quidditch uniform from earlier that day. "You know Harry I think that's the first game Gryffindor has lost since you started playing." He smiled, the hidden compliment not missed. We both knew I was right, he'd never lost a game before and I didn't know what to expect. Would he be mad? Sad? But no he was just normal Harry, smiling and friendly. " They used magic to win if you ask me" said Ron while chowing down on a big chunk of meat. Hermione grimaced at the grease now covering his face. "Ronald, you've got something on your face" Hermione added. "Thanks Hermione, I surely couldn't feel it without you saying anything." She rolled her eye's and went back to going through her study notes at the table. I suddenly felt a chill up my back, as if I was being watched, so I turned my body only to find Malfoy staring straight at me, a muscle in his jaw twitching. Those grey eyes meeting mine and along with them, a lot of really confusing emotions. He quickly adjusted his pants as he leant back further into his seat crossing his arms. I felt heat flush up my neck and to my cheeks-what was going on with me??

I often wondered why the hat put me in Gryffindor. My Slytherin ambition and cunning far outweighed my bravery. I'd finally decided in the second year that it was to keep me from becoming the worst possible version of myself. Draco, he was too far gone by that age, all except I were looked down upon by him. But then there was the other reason that made just as much sense. I'd been put into Gryffindor to keep me away from Draco. But what did that mean? That Draco was bad for me? At that age I never thought he would turn into the person he was now. But his heart had been blackened again and again by Lucius, by cruelty and prejudice and I often wonder if that cruelty and prejudice would have rubbed off on me had I gone into Slytherin.


In my first year at Hogwarts I watched my best Friend be stolen from me by Potter. Maybe it's my fault, maybe I should have gone to her, told her that it didn't matter if she was in Gryffindor, that we could still be friends. But that would be a lie. Gryffindor were scum and at the top of that list was the biggest scum of all. Harry Potter. She looked so different now, more filled in with a women's figure. I couldn't help it as my eyes wondered over her body as she sat with Weasley, Granger, and Potter at the dining table. She giggled, actually giggled at something Potter said. It was still the goofiest thing I've ever seen and yet it warmed something inside me, something that I hardly ever felt anymore. But that warmth quickly faded to a burning and stinging within my chest. I hated it. And yet when she turned around and our eyes locked, I couldn't look away.


Crab and Goyle had drawn Dracos gaze away with a slap on the back giving me a moment to retreat. I didn't turn around for the rest of dinner even though the feel of his eyes on my back never left. I tried to distract myself with talking to Harry about his game. But nothing could be done to ignore Draco as he kicked two Gryffindors out of their seats and sat next to Harry. "Shame about the loss today Potter, maybe if you weren't playing, Gryffindor would have had a shot." He snarled as he flicked a nut from the cloth in front of him. "What do you want Malfoy?" Harry replied clearly exasperated. "Just here to make sure that you know your place Potter." He snapped out, those grey eyes intensified and they locked in on Harry's. After several silent moments Draco took a bite from the green apple in his hand and stood up. "See you around Gyriffindorks." He stated as he nonchalantly threw his apple behind him into the lap of a Gryffindor first year seated a few spaces down and strode straight out of the dining room.

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