Maria Ropes The Cowboy. Featuring: Maria Kanellis.

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Chapter requested by: QueenZain3

July 8,2019.

It was a rather normal Raw, I was prepping for a promo against Corbin who I've been in a heated rivalry with for the past week or two. And I was putting on my felt black cowboy hat then headed to the gorilla. I passed catering where Mike was talking with some coworkers and Hunter who's the COO of the WWE. I shook my head at the sight as he was just fishing for a title shot or just sucking up to the brass. Which wouldn't surprise me. Mike had a very beautiful wife named Maria. And to be honest. I would spend more time with her then worry about my career.

Anyway, I waited for my cue as Corbin was already promoting that he'd beat me at Extreme Rules. Then 'Fightin Words' by Trace Adkins came over the speakers of the arena and I came out in my buckskin jacket and I took my hat off and waved to the crowd. Then continued to the ring and got in the ring as I held my hat on my head sliding between the top and middle rope and went to to the timekeepers side of the ring and retrieved a mic from the ring announcer.
I grinned as the crowd cheered my name.
"Thank you. Now. I couldn't help but hear the former constable of Raw complain about me and saying how he'll kick my ass at Extreme Rules this Sunday. Well, there's a rather popular saying, 'Don't count your chickens before they hatch. And this Sunday. You you better pray the good lord for mercy as I will not be so merciful as he is. You have been running your mouth, saying you will beat me and telling these folks how you would do it. The funny thing is. By my tally. I have won each match we faced each other in. And, honestly. It's pathetic. And now you tell these people that you will beat me. That you will beat the Cowboy. I'm sorry to say that you have no chance of beating me. This Sunday at Extreme Rules will just be like all the other times. I win you lose." I dropped the mic and turned to leave only to be attacked by Corbin. Apparently someone backstage decided what's happening would be a great match so a referee came out and separated us. Then called for the bell.

Meanwhile in the Kanellis' Locker Room,
(Maria's POV)
I was watching Daniel's impromptu match against Corbin. Daniel and I have been friends for the past year and he's a nice guy and a real good listener. In fact when I need something to get off my chest, I sometimes don't go directly to Mike or anyone else. I go to Daniel. He's sweet and understanding which makes him one of my best friends in WWE.
As I watched the match I smiled as Daniel hit Corbin with a shoulder block as Corbin tried to knock him down. Then Mike came in, "Hey babe. What's going on?"
"Daniel's fighting Corbin." I said as he sat down beside me.

(Daniel's POV)
The match had been going on for at least 20 minutes. I was leaning against the ropes as I had kicked out of a pin attempt after he performed End Of Days on me. When he got up I set him up for a lift double arm DDT, I lifted him up and as soon as his legs were aligned with my shoulder I drilled his head into the mat knocking him out. A three count later, I won the match with 'The Branding Iron'. I then picked up my hat that was on the floor outside the ring. Dusted it off, put it on and put on my buckskin jacket before heading to the back and to the trainers office.

(Maria's POV)
I was so happy that Daniel had won in his usual style. Unapologetic and brutal. I turned to Mike and started critiquing the match Daniel just had, saying that Corbin was an idiot for even thinking that Daniel wouldn't be ready for a fight. Then I started doing the same with his moves. The perfect hip toss, the decapitation lariat when Corbin tossed him in the ropes only to get his head taken off. I was talking about Daniel so much that Mike just kept quiet.

(Daniel's POV)
I had been checked out by the trainer and was currently in the shower. Now the walls of an arena's locker rooms are pretty thick. But when I had finished my shower. I heard loud screaming and yelling coming from the locker room next door to mine.
I got dressed and packed my entrance and ring attire in my arena bag. And was going to just relax and watch the rest of Raw. But the screaming was so distracting, so I left my locker room and went next door and burst in.

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