from another world

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Where am I? This doesn't feel like my bed- wait- tsch, I remember now. I'm not exactly in my reality per say. 

It still confuses me how I got here though. I remember going to bed while cuddling my pillow and listening to a comfort audio, but- that was it. I don't remember scripting or wanting to go to a different universe, it just- happened. 

The air feels different here, more cold and misty. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to adjust them to sudden white light that beaming in the ceiling. 

Was I in a hospital?

I groaned a bit and slowly sat up on the hospital bed. "Why do I feel like I just drank too much vodka?. Which is weird since I don't drink vodka" I said to myself. 

"Odd way of talking when you just woke up"

I screamed so loud even I scared myself. A rather tall man with an orange tracksuit was in the same room as me, along with another man with long black hair and a sleep deprived face. 

"I'll go tell the doctor she's awake" the man with black hair muttered.

 "Sorry if I scared ya' back there. I'm Fatgum!" he cheerfully extended his hand for me to shake. 

"I'm Grace" I softly shook his rather overly large hand. His hand made mine look like a newborn babies hand. 

"If you don't mind, Fatgum, i'm going to ask the girl a few questions" I noticed a cop coming inside the hospital room. 

I nervously moved further into the hospital bed, obviously feeling uncomfortable. Fatgum noticed this and stopped the cop "Why don't I ask her the questions? she's been through a lot right now, let her adjust to trusting one person at a time". 

The cop nodded his head and left the room. 

I sighed in relief and released the hold I had with the bedsheets. I was never comfortable with cops- knowing my own dad is a cop and he's just a big asshole. Aren't all cops like that? 

"Thank you" I gave him a small smile. 

"No need, I realized how tense you got seeing him come in".

"I'm just not comfortable around them. Where i'm from cops really aren't friendly- they just don't care about their jobs or their families; they just want to retire and let the government give them monthly bills".

Fatgum slightly tilted his head and made his way over to the hospital window. We both turned to the door being opened by the man with black hair.

"The doctor said he was going to be here shortly" he said in a tired tone. His eyes shifted to mine. I recognize him now, pro-hero Eraserhead. I recognize that eye scar and stubby bearded face anywhere. 

"You're Eraserhead, right?". He softly nodded his head. I smiled a bit at him and giggled "You're one of my favorite pro-heroes". 

He slightly widened his eyes at me, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. To subtle down the weirdness he scratched his throat and muttered a small thank you. 

"Well- uh- first things first, do you remember anything?" Fatgum asked. 

"A little. I remember going to bed and falling asleep with the door closed since I had the ac on. But then I felt like I was being sucked into a dark hole and woke up there"

"just another classic case of kidnapping" Eraserhead muttered.

"I would've known thought- My door is made out of metal so it technically creeks when you open it and my dog would've started barking. Plus, we could've heard the front door being open since it makes a lot of noise when you try to open it which would've made my dad go ballistic and grab his gun to check out what was happening" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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