Dreams and Shenanigans

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A/N: This is sorta an introduction to Eden (the cool brother that I wish I have) in the start. There are some aspects of Bridget's backstory that are also mentioned here that aren't events that happened to me, since my past is very fuzzy to me. I apologise for the wait, I've been preoccupied with school due to the start of a new semester (and new classes because we're doing 4x4), and I've been using the wiki's written script of the episodes since I don't have the game.

Note: This is the true beginning of the story, and it's altered slightly to suit the MC. Grim doesn't appear at first, but he does come into play later in the chapter.

Please note that some of the dialogue has been altered for either more emotion, or in one quote's case to resemble the movie's actual quote that's used comes from more accurately. It's gonna be long so buckle up y'all (definitely not as long as the chapters of my novels, but you hopefully get the point)!

Edit: I had to edit one of the dialogues so it can be more specific.

Content Warnings: Asthma Attacks, Implied Sensory Overload, Mentions of Menstruation & Endometriosis

I feel like this is a memory that I've forgotten existed due to anxiety-induced memory loss. I could tell I was running away from a loud place somewhat far from my house, but still in my neighborhood. I felt tightness in my chest, dry-coughing until I ended up in front of the mirror in the forest. There were three silhouettes in said mirror, but I was kneeling on the earth gasping for air.

"Are you alright?" one of them asked, but I couldn't respond. My chest felt too tight and I was struggling to breathe. "Is it possible to even go through this mirror?" another questioned to himself, his hand pushing through the boundary while his legs were being held down by the shorter of the three. He was able to poke his head through, but I wasn't looking at him.

"Bridget!" I heard someone cry out from far back, hearing them run over to me. I heard them plop down to my side, taking out an inhaler and placing the mouthpiece in, pushing on the top to release the medicine. I felt a little weak, slumping into their arms.

He sighed, looking at the boy whose head was poking out through the mirror. "I knew that there were people in the mirror, but even this is a little weird to me." he said. "Anyways," he introduced himself, "my name's Eden. This is my little sister, Bridget."

After that, everything faded, but I assume they talked for a bit before Eden had to bring me back home to rest.

I got out of bed, seeing a plastic bag on top of the dresser next to the uniform. I took the things that were inside of the bag, which had a note written on the top.

I was able to get you some necessities such as toiletries, socks, and underwear. If there's anything else you need then let me know. ~ D. Crowley

He didn't have to go out of his way to do this, but I still appreciate it. I grabbed a pair of underwear and changed into the uniform. It was a little long on my arms and legs, but it fits my chest and waist (which is good because I have a large bust). I changed into a new pair of socks, and put on my shoes before grabbing my messenger bag, hearing protection, put on my medical bracelet, and then walked out of the dorm and towards the main campus.

I was walking down Main Street, stopping to look at the statues on both sides of the path. I feel like I know these figures from movies I watched as a child, mainly when I was in emergency rooms and hospitals due to asthma attacks. I continued walking towards the school, hearing someone talking but ignored them.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump a little. "Oi, were you not listening to me?" I turned my head to face him. He had hair the color of unpainted clay along with a painted heart on the left side of his face over his eye.

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