You two have an adorable little family

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Buck and Eddie were taking the baby for a walk with Chris. "Why do I have to assist you with all this baby stuff?" Eddie asked "Because you have a child" Buck said. "You realize there's a thing called "Google"? Eddie joked "Yeah, but googles not that helpful sometimes and sometimes you can find disturbing stuff" Buck said "You're not wrong about that" Eddie replied. "So, how many times are you gonna call me about this baby thing?" Eddie asked "When I need help" Buck said "Don't you always need help?" Eddie asked "Yes, that is true" Buck said "But this is different it's with a baby" Buck added on "How did you do it with Chris?" Buck asked "I had Shannon for a few years" Eddie said "I know the whole story" Buck said. As they were walking a woman came up to them "You two have an adorable little family" She said "Thank You" Buck said. "You're welcome" she said while smiling after she walked away "Why did you say that?" Eddie asked "Because we do" Buck said. "We're not even married" "We will be" Buck thought to himself. They walked home "Thanks Eddie" Buck said "No problem" Eddie said. "Bye Chris! Bye Eddie!" Buck exclaimed as he walked in to the house "How did you like that walk with uncle Eddie?" Buck asked the baby "I thought it was fun" buck said.
A/N Since it was highly requested that I updated it I decided to after all these months I apologize for not updating I've been working on schoolwork and other fics

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