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10 years ago
Unknown POV:

"Come back to me please sweetie, I promise I won't hurt you, and things will be different" She whispered sweet words gently over the telephone to him. Her voice agonizing his ears "We can pretend like it never happened between us, We can fi-fix things." She said, faking more concern this time.

Only this time, he could tell she was trying to sound amiable and worried. Was she genuinely concerned about him and his well-being ? Or was she worried about how she would answer to his father; he decided to accept the latter.

He wanted to stop himself from tearing up over the telephone as he did not want anyone to see, let alone hear him at this state; this weak- especially not her. Not after what she had done to him. ...

"Tell father I shall return soon, and that I am swell, he need not to worry himself with minuscule matters." He said clutching his hand into a tight fist - hoping his voice would not break out from the suffocation of air as he holds back his tears and instantaneously hangs up. All the emotions were quickly overflowing, and this unknown feeling, was becoming unbearable as if being bombarded by thousands of pins. Guilt overcame his thoughts as he mentally visualized the flashbacks in his cerebral of what had happened earlier at his house today.

His mind can actualize only one truth: He had sexual intercourse with his very own stepmother- even if it was not consensual.

His legs were shaking and he was feeling anemic, immediately without second thought he fell to the rigid floor of the payphone booth, regretting every moment he had spent with this beautiful yet conniving creature; his stepmother


He hadn't realized that he has fallen asleep inside the phone booth. He had gotten tired from crying, and began to feel his dejected veins arresting on his lower eyelids, with a slight headache too.

His mind was consumed by emptiness now, and he didn't know what to do next. Luckily It was midnight, and there were no pedestrians around- to have noticed him crying out here alone. He had felt a little stupid and weak for breaking down inside of a telephone booth, If any commoner had witnessed this fourteen year old boy scream at this time - rumors would probably spread like a virus, and it would'nt go down very pleasantly with his father considering that his family was regarded highly in society and he is the soon-to-be Alpha.

Before he could realize it, It was late, and he needed to get home soon, he checked his pockets to see if he had any cash, unfortunately he had left his wallet at home- as he rushed out angrily from his home earlier that night. He was angered by his inability to speak against his step-mother to his father, for she had forced herself in on him , and took his virginity without his consent. What angered him even more was his himself. Deep down he was blaming himself; that maybe somewhere along the lines he had led her on? Perhaps if he never had been so kind to her, then she would never have raped him in the first place.

He contemplated, could he allow things to resume the way they were? This wasn't his first time running away, through experience- he knew that if he didn't tell his father of the things happening behind his back, then things would probably go back to the way they were before- with his stepmother raping him continuously, and the pattern following. Or could he tell his father of all the happenings.

Actually, who was he kidding, his father did not care a damn of anyone besides himself. A month ago- ever since his mother had died, his father had remarried to take away the pain, and when that pain did not dissolve through his marriage with his step-mother, he began to consume himself with alcohol daily. That's when his step-mother came to him to relieve her sexual frustrations. He was afraid that if he told his father this one truth, it might destroy him more then he already was.

Guilty- He was. Ashamed- He was. Coward-He was not.

Without thinking twice he turned around to go back to where he had come from- his 'so called' home.

He could not run away from his problems anymore.

Authors Note :
Hey you lovely readers,

Firstly, I write my stories from my phone, so if there are any grammar mistakes kindly let me know, since it's harder for a writer to notice their own mistakes. Also, It is my first book here, so read at your own risk! Once again, I thank you all for giving this story a chance :)

Note- The next chapter is 10 Years Later. Btw: This is the only chapter from an unknown perspective

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