On The Alert Pt.2

Start from the beginning

Fluttershy blushed and looked down. Spike and I shared a quick look.

I could use some help with my flying, maybe I should ask Flash to help me out sometime... Something about asking him made me feel uncomfortable.

By the time I looked back at him he was holding onto Fluttershy hands and guiding her through the air, would he do that to me too, I slapped my cheeks and screamed out loud.

Spike looked at me concerned and quite frankly creeped out, thank goodness Flash didnt hear!

"I'm going back to training Twi, let me know if you need anything ok?" And with that Spike was off, poor boy I probably gave him a heart attack. Hopefully he didnt think I was crazy, maybe I should explain what happened sometime, I'm sure he would understand.

I glanced at Fluttershy and Flash one more time, he was trying to get her to fly by herself, she was reluctant at first but she eventually agreed, she let go of his hands and manage to float a few inches, before losing her balance and falling, she fell into Flash's arms, clearly embarrassed he just gave her his signature smile ans supported her once more, I couldn't make out what he was saying but I'm sure he was reassuring her, I smiled he was so kind. Someone else on the other hand didnt seem to be enjoying this wholesome view.

I turned to see Discord literally staring holes through Flash, when I caught his eye, I stuck out my tongue at him, he growled and the resistance band he was pulling snapped in half, I burst out laughing and he walked away grumbling about how he could fly too or whatever.

I rolled my eyes and continued my training.

Twilight 1
Discord Nil

Cheese POV
"Oh hey Pinkie, could you help me with my sit ups?" I asked

She nodded eagerly and held onto my feet.

With every sit up, I got closer and closer to her face.
It was fun.

She made a new silly face when ever my head popped up and I had to stifle my laughter...it didnt last for long and within seconds I was in stitches.

She grinned feeling fulfilled.

"I have an idea she said, how about everytime you a sit up I smash a pie in your face!

My eyes sparkled in amazement

"YES PLEASE!!" I screamed

"Crackheads" I heard someone mutter, but I didnt really care.

We went back to the sit ups and it was the best experience I have ever gone through.

First the calm refreshing coconut cream pie, then the spicy apple cinnamon pie. The aromas and textures on my face made me feel so much joy.
We made a bonus of game of me guessing every pie.

Of course I aced it, got every single one correct baby!

You look like a pie monster! Pinkie squealed.

"And I'm coming to get you!!!" I fake snarled chasing after her. She let out another squeal and ran.

I chased after her, or at least I thought, its surprisingly hard to see with pie smeared all over your face. I ending up ramming myself into a wall.

Pinkie bent over and asked me if I was ok.

I laughed hysterically until years were streaming down my face.

"Yeah I'm fine Pinkie" I said between laughs. "My nose may never be the same again though, she helped me up but still asked if I was ok.

"Take him to the nurse Pinkie, his head may be even messed up than before." A deep voice said, it was Discord, come to think of it, it was probably him that called us crack heads earlier.

"Aww Discord you care" I said giving him the best puppy dog eye I could muster.

He scoffed, but then smirked " Dont be late to our Chaos Caravan tomorrow!" He called walking away and waving

"You betcha!"

"What's that?" Pinkie asked curiously, very cute.

"Its this thing Discord and I do, if you know Discord you know how amusing he can be, we basically just go around doing fun, crazy things and spreading mischief" I cheered doing jazz hands for effect.

Her pupils dilated as she stared into mine.


At that moment a lightbulb went off in my head, why didnt I think of this before?

Cheese Sandwich+Discord+Pinkie Pie= NON STOP FUUN.

I jumped up and down like a little kid, "Of course Pinkie! That would be amazing! The more the merrier" I said barely containing my excitement.

We both did a little celebration dance before entering the nurses office. She scanned me and gave me and ice pack, she told me to be more careful and was about to send is on are way.

"Em Miss arent you forgetting something?" I said with an expectant smile.

She rolled her eyes so hard I thought the may fall out.

She handed me a huge lollipop and shooed me away.

I left feeling triumphant until I saw Pinkies eyes glued on it.

"Want some? We can share!"

She nodded vigorously and licked the lollipop as we both made it to are next class.

I honestly dont know why some people thought we were dating, isnt this want all friends do?

I...Anyways thank so so so much for reading, I understand I dont really keep my deadline promises and everything but online school is very time consuming, next chapter coming ot soon and I mean it, I know this one was supposed to come out ages ago, but I procrastinated I'm actually in class rn so I have to go back to work Cy a and dont forget to vote and follow if u enjoyed

Mr Drummer: rolls drums

Word Count:1618

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