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As I walk across the street I notice a paper stuck in a big, dead bush. I walk over and pull it out. I turn it over, only to see that it is addressed to my house. To my mother. It reads:

My Dearest,

I have decided to join the Navy. I knew that you would object if I told you and Katelynn in person. i know that you are devastated and will try to find me, but by the time you will have read this I will already be gone. I left $600 dollars in your bank account to last you two a while. If I die, just remember, I love you both. I believe that you can live without me, that you will be okay.

I love and miss you,


I stare, confused and in shock. "Daddy?" I whisper. "Dad left me? How could he?"


6 Months Later


I open the front door and walk in the kitchen to find mom. "Mom? I'm home!" I drop my backpack on the counter and start digging through it. I find my homework and a pencil and start working. "Mom?!" I yell. I get off my chair and head upstairs to mom's room. "Mom?" I ask. "What's wrong?" She's sitting on her bed, holding some kind of letter, tears streaming down her face, make up running. It's a letter from the Navy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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