END Chapter 26: A true farewell

Start from the beginning

"Didn't it occur to you that maybe she was so focused she forgot everything around her?" asked D-Sting, walking up in front.

"As a matter of fact, it did. But one can never be so sure." said Sting, as the rest of the team came into to view. We were on time, actually.

"Is everyone here?!" exclaimed Erza.

"Well if they weren't here, how would you know? Obviously they have to answer for themselves. It's not like if they're absent, they will say 'NO I AM NOT HERE PLEASE PROCEED'." sassed Sting, not really knowing what he was getting into.

"You dare talk back?"

"I'm just saying."

"Maybe you should say nothing for now." whispered Happy into his ear.

No one bothered with it afterwards, and boarded the train. Of course, Natsu and Sting felt sick all the way. We didn't prepare for them because we totally forgot. After that, we had to take a cart to Lares, and when we reached the city, it was like gold for the boys.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by the mayor, who was the client. After discussing further details, we were shown the bay at which the fish target the most.

"I could use Aquarius to create a stir in the water, they might come up to the surface." i said.

"Indeed. I shall stay on land and try to shoot them down with Wendy. The boys will go in and get them up." explained Erza. The boys groaned at their task, before diving into the water. I summoned Aquarius, who, yelled at me for heck...breathing.

Anyways, she created a distortion on the water, and then huge shadows lurked underneath. Soon enough, four massive things flew over our heads, with the boys hanging onto their fins for dear life.

D-Sting was skillfully riding the fish, but Sting...he wasn't doing so well. The poor boy was seen crying as he soared through the sky. Gray tried to freeze around him so that it would stop, but it wasn't possible. Erza managed to shoot down two of them with her swords, Wendy took out one and Aquarius did the last one.

"Wasn't that exciting?" breathed Happy, as he marvelled at the dead fishes in front of him.

" 'Exciting?!' You were not riding those things. I could have sworn, my head flew back and was nearly stabbed by the fucking fins!" yelled Sting, soaking wet.

"I will slap you. For swearing." i mumbled. (A/N: Hi @Kerriana88. You get me?)

"And you should know that we two got sick. I don't know about smartass over there." said Natsu, as he motioned towards D-Sting.

"Oh come on guys, you had to admit, it was fun in some way." i laughed.

"To you." mumbled Sting.

Towels were given to the boys to dry up, and the mayor, fascinated by our success, praised the guild and gave us our reward.

Going back to Fairy Tail was also a big tragedy. The dragon slayers were so shaken up from before, that they were twice as sick as usual on the rides. Gray didn't seem to mind the ride, but he did care about his shoes getting dirtied by Natsu. Erza had to knock Sting and Natsu out.


"How was it?" asked Mira, as we entered with Erza giving a report to Master.


"Funny, actually."

"I enjoyed the ride."

"The fish was yummy."

"I wanted to fry them!"

"Fucking fish."

Mira sweat-dropped at the different responses. We spent a little more time at the guild, and D-Sting had enjoyed himself. It was until Sting's grouchy behaviour got to me that i knew, i had to cheer him up.

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