Judging Criteria

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Here is the judges rubric for the judges!


Title : 5

Cover : 5

Blurb/ prologue  :  10

Plot :  20

Character sketch : 10 

Uniqueness : 5

Enjoyment : 5

Grammer  :  20

Flow of the story : 20

Total : 100 

You have to judge by this criteria and check that the author of the book is following you or not. If not then inform us immediately.

* once books are assigned to you, you will have 15 days to judge the assigned book and submit the score.

you can submit score in 2 ways 

1 - our email id i.e teenfix2020@gmail.com

2 - our instagram account i.e @teen_fixers

The list of books for each judge will be updated soon!

The list of books for each judge will be updated soon!

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