Trace raised a hand, pressing his fingers to his lips as he laughed to himself. "Call me Will, Ryleigh... Trace doesn't exist."

I could still hear his laugh after the door closed. My eyes were glued to the floor as the horror of what I'd done grew on me.

"You guys can come out now." I called out finally. My voice was dull, not reflecting the disgust inside. "I know you're here."

"Of course, you do." Lou replied easily, suddenly on the couch. "You invited us."

There was a sharp gust of wind and Mike walked up behind me, pushing a note I'd scribbled on into view. "Defacing cash is a serious crime, I believe."

"She was being watched." Lou called out. "'Come over to my place and stay out of sight. Have to show you something.'." Lou sighed after reading out his note, making me look up. "I was hoping to see something more interesting than that."

"More interesting than the fact that this human plotted to kill us?"

"And now she's plotting against it."

"Is she?"

"She has to be, or she wouldn't have called us here to witness it, feathers." Lou smiled at me, eyes going inky and teeth suddenly looking sharper in the dim light. "That's worse than a death wish."

"Suicide." I stiffened as Mike placed his hand on the back of my neck. "What were you... thinking?" His hand tightened on my skin.

"I... am tired." I gritted out, neck straightening as his grip continued to tighten. "I am tired of being treated like this."

"Treated like what?" Lou wasn't reverting to his human form. "Treated like a human? Like a confidante? Like a... friend?" He sneered at the last word. "You've taken advantage of our trust, Ryleigh... you will pay."

"I have-ugh-" Mike moved to stand in front of me, hand moving with him and tightening around my throat. "I have paid. I've paid with my fucking soul." It wasn't tight enough to choke me, just make me uncomfortable. "I can't feel, I can't sleep, I can't enjoy the things I normally used to enjoy. I don't want to do this anymore."

"Do what?"

"Serve you guys anymore." I met Mike's glowing eyes. "Breaking fights, handling your egos and angers, giving drinks, swallowing insults and snubs from both kinds alike... I am tired. I need a break."

"And the Hunters were the only ones you could go to?"

"Technically, they came to me." I replied to Lou's question. "I didn't want to meet the assholes who killed me."

"Not only did you meet them." The floor creaked, I felt the cool aura of an angry demon get closer. "You conspired with them." His face appeared beside Mike's. "Give us their location. Maybe if we're satisfied after taking them all down, we'll give you an easy death."

"Right." I tried to scoff, but the grip was too tight. "I'm not worth killing. I just handed you a killing spree on a platter." My eyes flickered to Mike's. "Weren't you looking for these guys?"

"I agree, we were." Mike narrowed his eyes. "But that does not justify your actions."

"It justifies my actions more than you think." I reached up to wrap my fingers around his wrist. He didn't force me down as I got to my feet, inches from his face as I whispered. "It's justified by the fact that I want to get away from you."

Mike sneered back, leaning in as well. "My superiors will not let you off easy, Ryleigh."

"Try me, bitch." I hissed.

Closing Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें