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Zhan heard someone yelling that the shot was ready, so with one last look at himself in the mirror, he got up and walked out.

Making his way to where the set is placed,Xiao Zhan smoothed the sleeves of his white Gucci by Tom Ford 1996 suit jacket, which was paired with its white dress pants.

The buttons of the suit jacket were undone, and his chest and abs were in full display as the outfit didn't consist of any kind of shirt under it. He especially liked this piece today as it fitted him quite nicely and made him look real good.

As Zhan reached to where the shot is, he looked up and greeted the camera man - who was looking a bit disheveled due to running late as he set his things up - with a nod.

Zhan moved his eyes around the set design, taking it in, before his gaze halted as it landed on the unexpected.
His heart rate escalated, the same time a chill ran down his spine as his toes tingled in internal frost bites.
However, it wasn't the set design that created this showstopper, but the beautiful man who's standing not so far away into the corner as he glazed himself into the effortless art of pose practice.

Yibo's striking visuals presented nothing but charming elegance, so much so that Zhan couldn't stop his eyes from lingering as they were captivated by the mesmerizing sight.

Right then, Yibo's eyes caught Zhan's, causing him to abruptly stop whatever movements he was doing and take in the shock of seeing his beloved standing not so far away looking like he came straight out of an editorial magazine.
He was confused, and nothing made sense, but getting to see his Zhan is something that he will never really mind.

At that moment, Zhan remembered Fang Xu's words; "I can assure that you'll love working with us today."

He couldn't help but think of how this was a way to manipulate him in some way. No one really knew about what he has with Yibo, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they were close.
Is that why I'm here? To shoot with Yibo?

Soon as he thought that, he witnessed a female model approaching Yibo to sit beside him. Yibo barely gave her a smile and simply nodded at her out of courtesy before they went straight to practicing poses with a coach.

Zhan furrowed his brow as he examined the scene in front of him. The model was wearing a black YSL dress that fitted her figure perfectly.

It had a slit that reached her upper left thigh and it was backless as it was matched with a gold diamond necklace that she wore backwards and YSL Opyum 110 patent leather sandals. Zhan couldn't help but notice how everything about the model went well with Yibo's look as he was wearing the same thing as him, just in black.

And with the model near him, they looked like the perfect match.
That itself, raged the fires of jealousy in the pit of his stomach.

Zhan had to look away as he couldn't handle the feeling anymore. Seriously Zhan, what is wrong with you?? You know this is what's best for Yibo, and you have no right to feel any type of jealousy towards him, get a grip.

"Zhan?"A voice called him from behind.

He turned around to face a thirty year old stylish woman that he knows too well.

Which is why he knew that something was up when she wasn't wearing her usual confidence aura, but instead she had it replaced with a nervous appearance.

Instantly, Zhan became highly suspicious.

"Yan Li jie, what is it?" He asked, getting nervous himself to what the answer was.

"Well, don't freak out," his manager said, in hopes of easing the news that was about to be thrown at him.

"But I just received an email about you having a scheduled meeting with Wajijiwa today at around one in the afternoon."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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