[UPDATED]||2|| Horses

152 11 3

Lastest update: March 25, 2017
Jack's POV

My mind kept reminding me of how Clover's self. Toasted blonde hair, fierce blue eyes and a baby soft skin.

Coming from a different state, Clover seemed she could be a cheerleader, which I hope she isn't. Since cheerleaders back at my old school acted as if they were superior than everybody else. I'll just say this, everyone hated them.

As I was getting ready I was thinking about Clover. I smiled casually thinking of her sweet voice.
I headed downstairs as my mother said good morning to my brother.
I sat down on the brown plastic chair serving myself some cereal.
"Jack, good morning," mh Mom's voice somehow got high once she said my name.
"Good morning Mom," I tried to reach for the milk, I assumed Emilio had use it all up. "Emilio."
"It was me I made some pancakes."
"Ah okay."

After breakfast I headed outside. I sat on the porch's stairs. I spotted a moving figure from the other side of the fence. My mind thought it could be Clover, and soon after my heart started racing. I observed her before she spotted me and I had the courage to go up to her.
As I walked closer I noticed she was petting a white spotted horse. She faintly smiled as I jumped the fence.

"Hey, Jack." Clover tied up her hair onto a high ponytail.
"Hi. You remembered my name?" I gasped. She hadn't mention my name once last night. Now that she said it so casually my heart starting to jump in place inside my ribcage.
"Well its a pretty common name anyways."
My heart coldly stopped jumping and went back to normal.
"That's true." I shrugged.
"Do you want to ride a horse?"
Clover offered.
"What? I've never ridden a horse. What if I fall?" I screamed.
"You won't fall. About a month ago I started riding horses and now I'm a expert!" She fixed her thumb to her chest.
I laughed slightly quiet. "Oh really?"
"No, but come on its fun!"

As I stepped on the horse I felt very nervous. After awhile of internal screaming and heavy sweating I finally got the hang of riding a horse. Clover galloped in circles around me.
"Do you want to go and see the town?" Clover asked. She stopped and brushed her horse's hair with her hand.
"Uh sure, but wouldn't our parents be worried we are gone?" I asked looking back at my new home.
"Nah. We won't take long. Besides they know I go for a stroll every morning. For you, they'll think you came with me."
"If you say so,"My face grew cold as the morning breeze rushed in. "but if I get in trouble I'm blaming you."
0"Haha jokes on you. They probably won't believe you."
I frowned.

Our both horses were running side by side. I smiled and Clover started to giggle.
"Where are we heading to?" I asked as I noticed people stared with thoughtful eyes. As if saying How Cute! Or Cute Couple!
"Just the Swan Lake. Its a very magical-looking park. I love taking pictures of the swans that rest on the water."
"Its called Swan Lake, because they are swans?"
Clover stopped her horse and rolled her eyes. "Of course not, its called Swan Lake because of the Mayor."
I paused. "What?"
"I'm just joking," Clover continued, "of course it is. Don't ask a stupid question."

We arrived and I sat on the grass. Right in front of me was the beautiful lake. I grabbed a rock and throw it at the water. Clover sat right next to me plucking some grass from the ground.
My heart started to race once again as she moved closer towards my body. The horses were tied to a tree, feeding themselves with some fresh grass.
Swans stormed in as the minutes passed. My heart couldn't stop beating. Clover's silence was sickening. I decided to grab her hand and pull her for a hug. As I hugged her I could hear Clover's heartbeat. It was beating pretty fast. Clover reacted and pulled away. She stood up and brushed the grass from her legs.
"I-uh- I'm going to get something." Clover started to run. "I'll be back!"
Rejected, I thought. I stood up and headed towards the horses. Suddenly a hand gently touched my shoulder. I tried to not freak out.
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