broa broa

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It has been a month since I've met Lexi, I let lexi and Matthew meet and they loved it. Today we were leaving for broa broa, Matthew's new girl friend will be joining her name is ava.
I woke around 5am because we all had to be at the airport at 7. I got up and put this on

When I got done i got my suitcase and my bag, I put my keys, phone charger, computer charger, my laptop, ipad and its charger, I put two battery packs in it and I put my wallet and sunglasses and some girly things

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When I got done i got my suitcase and my bag, I put my keys, phone charger, computer charger, my laptop, ipad and its charger, I put two battery packs in it and I put my wallet and sunglasses and some girly things. I got down stairs and seen that everyone was already here we were only talking two cars, Matthew's and mine, I got into my car and riley, alex and lainee, charli, maddie and avani were with me, tyler, jake, ava and chirs were all in Matthew's car everyone put there bags into my car because my car was bigger then Matthew's. We got in and it was an hour car ride. So we all talked, and listened to music. About in hour in half in we all had to pee so I called Matthew and we all stoped, we got some drinks and food, then went back to the road, we got to the airport and we still had an hour wait so we took so pictures and talked and walked around, we had about 5 mins before so I went on Instagram and seen lainee posted

 About in hour in half in we all had to pee so I called Matthew and we all stoped, we got some drinks and food, then went back to the road, we got to the airport and we still had an hour wait so we took so pictures and talked and walked around, we...

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@lainee_1016 committed: bff trips💕
Ty: awe beautiful people.
mia: ty shut up
Fans: I -shipppp
Maddie:no @thereal_alex I ship
Fans:omg she answerd.
Chirs-yes maddie me too
I looked at alex and he was looking at my phone he looked up and smiled at me, are plane was called and we all went to get on, as getting on alex asked me to sit beside him, we got on the plane and I got seated and I put in my Headphones, alex took one and put it into his ear he layed his head on my shoulder and we went to sleep.
I woke up and we had about 30mins I seen alex was wake, but was on his phone and gave my headphone back when I looked over he was texting some girl in his phone her was just🖤💕 I seen him text the girl and say she just a friend he went back up and I seen that she had screenshotted were maddie shipped us.
I stoped looking and went on snap, I scrolled through Instagram and I heard the flight attendant say that we were landing, I looked at laniee and jake and they were sleeping. We landed and I grabbed my bags and woke jake and laniee up when I did I seen they were holding hands.. we all got off and went back to the house we rented. We all were hungry so decided we would get something to eat and go look around. I went to my room and I had my own room, others were sharing, tyler and riley, jake and laniee, maddie and Chris, ava and matthew, Charli and chase when he came and then I realized me and alex were sharing, he came in and put his stuff down, we didn't talk I just went to the bathroom to take a shower, I got out the shower and went to do my hair, my makeup and put on some clothes, this is the finishing touch

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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