CH. 72 We got this

Start from the beginning

She was talking to herself, but we heard everything that was said.

I turned to look at Titum's girlfriend, who was staring at King Tut's mom with unshed tears.

"Mila, help me," I said to her.

"She was told that Tut was dead if I knew she was Tut mother. I would have told her that Tut was alive. I would have-" Mila started to say, but I cut her off gently.

"It's okay; it's okay. I know." I said to her.

"Let's go talk to her," I said.

Mila nodded her head, and we both made our way to King Tut's mom.

"Please, don't push yourself. You'll faint if you do." Mila said to King Tut's mother.

"Don't cry; you'll be reunited soon," I said.

I meant it; I was going to get them out of here.

I was going to get everyone that was trapped in rooms out of here.

This was something cruel; I knew people were evil in my time, but people were wicked as well at this time.

"We are going to get you to him," I said to her.

She turned to look at me.

"Do you mean that? Because I want to see my son again. The last time I saw him. He was this small." She said, bringing her hand up to show us how small Tut was.

"The last time I saw my son, he was in his seventh year of life." She said, and my heart fell.

"You will see him again, I promise. Is there anything you know about the areas of this place that can help us free the others and get out of here?" I asked her.

She stood up straight; I watch as she cracked her body.

"I do know, it's because I was locked in there was the reason why I couldn't do anything, but now I am not. It's time to get out and get the others who are trapped here out as well." She said.

I nodded my head, agreeing with her.

"We need to get that door to your room open; my door is different from yours as they went out of their way to make sure I can never leave, but your door is most likely different than mine." She said.

Mila and I both nodded our heads, knowing what she was getting at.

"Should we use the same item to break down the door?" Mila asked, and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, let's do that," I said.

"Wait, we've been trying to break down that wall for a while now, and no one has come. Are there guards guarding this area? Wherever this area is?" I asked Tut's mom.

"No, it's not guards. It's that man I am sure is guarding the area now, the one who took you away, Mila, and I am sure it's the same man who took you away as well." Tut mom said.

"Who is he exactly? He's different, and he can do things." I said.

"He is different, he can do things that others can't, and that bastard is lucky to have found someone like that to do his dirty work for him." Tut mother said.

"Do you know how he was able to come across someone like him? His looks and features remind me of someone." I said, remembering the man who is always with the Queen. I was sure that those two either were from the same area or might be related somehow.

My mind was bright as can be, and I wasn't one to brag, but I knew that my mind was telling me something.

"No, I have no idea how he was able to, but I'll tell you this, we have about an hour and thirty minutes to get everyone out of here. I can feel it." Tut mother said, and I nodded my head.

"Alright, let's break down the door then," I said as we went on to do that.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

So, what do you Dolls think is going to happen in the next chapter?

Do you Dolls think they'll be able to get out of there with no trouble?

What's that man's story? The one who took the other women and Amala? Amala seems to think there's something familiar about him.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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