Keeper of the Lost Cities

Start from the beginning


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Dex Dizznee played by Dylan Hartman

He has that little kid look I'd always imagined Dex to have

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He has that little kid look I'd always imagined Dex to have

Linh Song played by Vicky Chen

She's a bit older, (17) but I screamed Lihn! in my head when I saw her picture

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She's a bit older, (17) but I screamed Lihn! in my head when I saw her picture. 

Tam Song played by Neo Hou

I'm not the most satisfied with this, because he is, like, 23, but he gives off a Tam-vibe

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I'm not the most satisfied with this, because he is, like, 23, but he gives off a Tam-vibe

Wylie Endal played by Roshon Fegan

Wylie Endal played by Roshon Fegan

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Again, perfectionism. 

Lady Gisela played by Charlize Theron 

Lady Gisela played by Charlize Theron 

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More perfectionism. 

Edaline Ruewen played by Jennifer Aniston

I know elves don't really 'age', or don't look like they've aged after a certain age, but I always imagined Edaline to look about this old

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I know elves don't really 'age', or don't look like they've aged after a certain age, but I always imagined Edaline to look about this old. 

Grady Ruewen played by Brad Pitt

Grady Ruewen played by Brad Pitt

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Come on. I had to. I had to. 

Oralie played by Margot Robbie

Oralie played by Margot Robbie

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Pretty much Oralie. 

This series has a big cast, so I just casted the main one and a few random minor characters. If you have any requests, let me know and maybe I'll do a Part 2. 

Anyway, for now, byeeee!

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