Chapter 10

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The sounds of laughter and people talking rang through the mall. I wasn't lying when I said I needed a few things before we start our internships. I never traveled before so I'm going to need a suitcase for my clothes and other things. Eijiro was walking beside me a little quieter than usual. I couldn't tell what was wrong with him but decided to ask him later about it. As we were walking a store that sells travel bags popped into view. I stopped and pulled on Eijiro's hoodie then pointed to the store. Eijiro looked over to where I was pointing at and nodded his head. "Alright, lets go." Grabbing Eijiro's hand, I practically dragged him into the store. The Store was filled with so many types of suitcases and bags with different sizes, colors, and styles, that it was hard to choose from. "Hey (y/n), what do you think of this one?" I looked over to see Eijiro with a pretty (f/c) suitcase that wasn't too big, but big enough to carry my things for the internship. Giving Eijiro a small smile, I went up to him and grabbed the suitcase. "This is perfect." I thanked Eijiro and we went to the front of store to pay for the suitcase. After leaving the store, we decided to walk around for a bit. I saw Eijro staring at an arcade and I could tell that he wants to go in. I never been to an arcade before but I heard from Kaminari that it was really fun. I want Eijiro to have good time as well, it only seemed far. "Hey Eijiro? Lets go to the arcade." Eijiro's face lit up at the the mention of the arcade. It reminded me of when I was little and my parents would take me the the park to play at the playground. Those were the good days. Eijiro and I walked threw the doors leading to the arcade. I was in awe at all the games that we could play. There were so many that I didn't even know which to choose. Leaving Eijiro behind I went up to this one zombie game that had two plastic guns one was red and the other blue. I picked up the gun to inspect it while Eijiro came up behind me. "Do you want to play that one?" Eijiro asked me. "I don't really know how to play though." I replied while putting down the fake gun. "I'm sure you can do it. Here, I'll show you you how to play." Eijiro picked up the blue gun and placed it in my hands. While wrapping is other arm around my neck, Eijiro should me how to hold the gun and how to shoot. His arm around me gave me the sense of security that I always needed. When Eijiro was done showing me how to play he grabbed the red gun and stood beside me so that we can start the game. Eijiro started the game and together we took down every zombie in sight. At first, I kept missing the zombies but after a few rounds I got the hang of it pretty well and was able to keep up with Eijiro, who was like a pro compared to me. Eijiro and I were having a great time at the arcade. Eijiro taught me how to play almost all the games. It took me a minute to understand some of the games but we both dominated the arcade games. We spent a couple of hours in the arcade before we decide to go to the food court to get something to eat. "Wow (y/n)! The way you played those games were so manly!" Eijiro complimented me while I laughed at his actions. The way he talks is like an excited kid when their parents ask how their day was and they go on to explain it. The food court wasn't too far away, in fact we were there in a matter of minutes. After deciding what we wanted too eat we sat down at an empty table to eat our food. I could tell something was still on Eijiro's mind, especially since he keeps looking off into space, so I decided that maybe it was time to ask him. "Are you doing alright? You've been zoning out today." Eijro lifted his head up, letting his eyes leave his food so they can look into my (e/c) ones. "It's nothing I promise. I just been thinking...." Eijiro's voice trailed off and I could feel the anxiety slowly rise up in my chest. I didn't want to ask but I knew if I didn't I was going to overthink. "What's on your mind?" Eijiro was silent for a second before but finally spoke up.

Eijiro's POV

I didn't know whether or not I should tell (y/n) the truth. However, these pass few weeks I felt like I found a someone who is more than a best friend. Inside (y/n) I found a beautiful person who no matter the situation can push forward and overcome what everyone says can't be done. I know that she's hurting and I want to do anything I can to protect her. I want to be her rock to lean on when she feels like she is against the world. Also, it wouldn't be very manly if I hide my feelings. When I looked back at (y/n), her eyes were telling me that she was concerned about me and that she cares. I can't just leave her confused anymore. "We've hanging out a lot for these pass couple of weeks turns out I like you...a lot."

Your POV

My eyes widen in shock at Eijiro's confession. I never expected for him to like me in that kind of way. I always thought thay he would see me as a friend. I looked at Eijiro, his red eyes pleading with me to feel the same way. "(Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"

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