Fear was consuming her very being. She didn't know what to do, how to do it, and if she even could. If he attacks, you're dead. She inhaled deeply. If you don't say something, you're dead. She looked at the unwelcome stranger. He started to slowly walk up to her. You're dead, you're dead, you- "Who are you?!" She assumed a fight stance as she shouted her question. The man chuckled. It left a sour taste in Y/n's mouth. He tucked his hands in his pockets, continuing to advance.

Does he think I'm a joke? "Why are you here? Answer me, now!" She stayed where she stood. The man looked down then back up at her, suddenly in front of her. "Three days." Was all he uttered before launching a kick to Y/n's side. Luckily, she was fast enough to block it and try to counterattack with a punch. The man backed away with ease. She saw him shake his head to something behind her. She was stuck not knowing if she should turn around or keep her focus on the foe in front of her. She was too late in her decision making. She felt herself get chopped in the right shoulder, making her attention shift. Her phone slipped from her hand.

"You're impossible." She turned back to find the intruder but he was nowhere to be found. She felt herself start to have a panic attack as she ran frantically into her home.

"Y/n?! Oh my—shit dude, I am so happy you're safe! I couldn't leave the house because I got a text saying if I did, then something bad would happen to you. Dad is perfectly fine, so don't worry about him...I can't believe you're here, I don't want to have a scare like that again." Zachary was quick to tackle Y/n with an impossibly tight hug, locking the doors in the process. "My shoulder, Z." Y/n winced in pain, or, well, numbness. Whoever chopped her must have known some type of pressure point to make her muscles relax. Zachary quickly took her to the living room to tend to her.

"Damnit! I got here a few seconds too late." Combustion Man cursed. He saw the villains get away but knew that making sure Y/n was okay was the first priority. He noticed her phone as he rushed to the door. He picked it up before knocking rapidly, "It's Kiyoshi! The villains are gone, open up. I need to know if she's okay." The locks on the door were quickly undone and the big hero was pulled inside.

"I'm so sorry, kid. Did they hurt you bad?" He was quick to her side just as Zachary was. "No. I'm fine. Just a pressure point that got hit, that's all." Y/n sighed, attempting to sit up causing alert from Zachary. "Thank goodness that's all that happened. I should've been-" "Kiyoshi, please don't. You live pretty far away so it's understandable that you didn't make it in time. But hey, I'm fine, see?" Y/n flashed a big smile. Kiyoshi forced one himself, but he knew he wouldn't let himself live this failure down.

"Hello? Hello!" Y/n gasped, almost snatching her phone from Kiyoshi. "Kiri! Hey, I'm so sorry, I got held up." She tried to cover up what really went down. "Y/n..do you think I'm stupid?" Kirishima replied, shocking the melanin infused girl. She had no words. "I'm coming over right now and you can't stop me. I'm worried fucking sick right now and you have the nerve to try and lie to me when you were clearly just attacked in some way? No. That doesn't fly with Kirishima Eijirou. No way it's manly to leave your friends when they need you most. I'll be there in ten." And with that, the call ended. All three people in the room were shocked by how much Kirishima cared.

"Remind me to thank him later." Kiyoshi said with a genuine small smile. "Are you sure you're not too shaken up right now? I can tell him to come by another time." Zachary asked, looking at Y/n's shoulder than her eyes. "If this is going to be my profession, then I'm going to need to get used to shaking it off than being shaken up. Besides, I know that I'll have my friends and family by my side." Y/n hugged Zachary, who couldn't stop the tears from escaping. Kiyoshi stayed with Y/n until Kirishima arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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