But as someone who has felt the miserable emotions that follow a fool who hides their true emotions, I say fuck it. Wear your damn heart on your sleeve. Walk around with a smile on your face, telling everyone who passes you how much they are worth. You never know who you'll save by just muttering the words "I love your smile" or "You're beautiful". No matter if you've met them before or if they're complete strangers, love them. Be a lover. Give love. Don't hide it. Why would you ever want to hide something as beautiful as love?

"I love you Louis," I whispered into his ear, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!"

"I'm so sorry Hazza!"

Finally. I've missed that name.

"I'm so, so, so sorry! I can't believe I did that! I hated hurting you Hazza! Never in my life would I ever want to hurt you! You mean too much to me!" He practically crumbled into my arms as I felt his legs go weak. I was holding him up as I pet his head and quietly shushed him.

"Lubba, please. Don't blame yourself, it was Simon."

"Oh, you heard all of that?" He looked up to me with the most heartbreaking, water-filled, eyes, shattering my soul.

I nodded.

"I'm so sorry Hazza, I shouldn't have given into the pressure, I love you too much. I should've known that I wouldn't be able to survive without you, but he said he was going to hurt you. He was going to force all of the rumors on you and I know how much that upsets you. I couldn't let him, I wouldn't." He coughed in between his cries and was obviously struggling to breathe.

"Hey, hey, shh Lubba. Breathe. Breathe. In and out."

He followed along with me as he caught his breath.

"I don't care about any of it. Not seeing you all of today made me realize that all of those things that used to bother me so much, they're stupid. I can get over those, but I can't get over not having you Lubba. So what if Simon tries to tell the world that I sleep with every woman I meet? Our fans are too special to believe a pig like him, especially when they have evidence to prove otherwise."

He cocked his shattered expression to the side, "What evidence?"

"Us Lubba. You and me. Larry Stylinson."

"You still want to go through with it? I'm scared, what if you get hurt?" He looked down at the ground, nervously.

"Then you'll be there to fix me up and I'll come back brand new. But Lubba," I lifted his chin so that our eyes met once again, "I'll be even more hurt if I can't have you. Publicly." I added.

I saw the biggest smile erupt onto his face as a tear dripped cinematically down his cheek. I wiped it away before it had a chance to detach from his flawless cheek.

"I love you Lubba."

"I love you more Hazza."

"I love you most, my sweet creature."

And then he kissed me. He grabbed my face and smashed his lips against mine. I could feel his lips soaked with tears and I was sure he could feel my tears as well. I forced so much passion into this kiss that it was no longer a kiss.

It was a promise.

A promise to always be there for him. A promise to never leave him alone. I'm not sure if he made the same promise as he licked his tongue into mine, but I didn't care. At that moment, all I knew was that I was always going to be there for Louis. I don't have a clue where this is going to lead, how long we'll be together, or what will happen to the band, but for right now, Louis was mine and I was his. And I'll always be his.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now