Invitation - English

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Approaching a year after the appearance of Instagram @arthdalchronicles_fanfic, I invite you all my friends to participate in the collaboration of the fan fictions writters of Arthdal ​​Chronicles.

Please send your writing to E-mail:

- in Microsoft Word.

- One Shot, not a serial. There is no limit to the number of words, but it must be completed in 1 chapter.

- the ending is up to you, happy, sad, or open ending, it's up to you.

- Not only in English, it can be in your native language (but because I can only speak Indonesian and English, I won't edit other languages ​​if there is a typo, because I don't understand it😆).

- Don't forget to include your Wattpad ID (if any), Instagram / Twitter ID (if any), or name / nickname if you don't have a Wattpad ID or IG.

- Free themes, the important thing is about Arthdal ​​Chronicles (may EunYa, TanYa, TaTa, or if you want to write about Asa Ron it's okay 😅 any character in the drama)

- Can submit more than 1 story, but NOT CONTINUE.

- writers are welcome to post your stories on your own account.

- I will post your stories into one book on Wattpad, ID arthdal_fanfics which I will publish on November 7th. But if you send it past November 7, that's fine.

But this book is not for sale, does not make money, everyone can read it for free. This is neither a contest nor a giveaway. There are no prizes, other than votes and comments on the book later. Maybe this won't be interesting, but I hope you want to join 😊

Happy writting ...

Invitation - Arthdal ChroniclesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora