Soon Umbridge was dismissed and Dumbledore and harry where apologized to and Dumbledore was headmaster again. We sat in the great hall to have our last dinner here, I tried to act like nothing was wrong but they seemed to know better. They left to get their things to head to the train as I walked over to Dumbledore's office "I wont be returning next year I figured you could keep Harry safe at school I'll keep an eye on him when hes not here but I cant go through what I went through last night sir" I said as I looked up him as he nodded his understanding "we will keep in touch with Fawkes" he said as I nodded before leaving. I had all my stuff and I I teleported back to the Burrow for the time being. I walked in and Molly greeted me with a big smile and a hug "oh Camila you made it back alright" she said as she let me go "yeah here from Dumbledore" I said handing her the letter he told me to give her to inform the order of the new plan "where will you be" she asked concerned "I'm not sure yet but I was hoping to stay here for sometime until I figured that out" I said with a small smile "of course dear you know where to put your stuff" she said heading back to the kitchen. I walked up the stairs quietly since everyone seemed to be sleeping, I got into the room I was going to be using for the time being releasing a breath I didnt know I was holding. I sat on the bed and remebered my mother saying that she was having a house built close to the Weasley's since her and Molly have gotten pretty close. I put on my night clothes as tied my hair in a low messy bun before taking a seat on the bed again when I heard a soft knock "you can come in Molly" I said as I looked at the moon pendant I was holding "wrong person" I heard George say causing me to look up "oh sorry I thought you where all sleeping" I admitted "no Fred and I just got back from Diagon alley we are gonna open a joke shop so we where trying to find a good place for it" he said before taking a seat on the bed releasing a sigh "that's great I hope everything works out for you guys" I said with a small smile as George looked over to me with a small smile "so you really arent going back to school?" He asked causing me to release a small laugh "George i know you didnt know this but i already graduated i was just attending as my cover but no i wont be attending next year" i said looking back down at the pendent. He seemed to notice this and grabbed the pendent softly from my hands before putting it back on me "it does look much prettier when you wear it Camila" he said with a smile causing me to look away as I felt the urge to cry again "it's my fault that he's gone" I said softly causing George to pull me into an embrace "no it's not he knew the risk of that mission and went anyways" he said as he softly stroked my hair "that curse was meant for me not him" I said as I pulled away from George causing him to sigh as he gave me a soft smile "I would have done the same if I was there with you" he admitted causing me to get up frustrated "this is why I'm leaving I cant handle seeing another person I love die for my sake that's my bloody job I'm the guardian not you not Mason nobody else has this responsibility so let me do my fucking job and stay alive!" I shouted as fresh tears streamed down my cheeks. He seems shocked at my outburst causing me to cover my mouth and turn away "sorry I didnt mean to say that" I said as I tried to calm myself "it's alright your upset you lost Mason and your Uncle all in the same day you hurting" he said as he stood up pulling me into another hug I sobbed into his chest at the memories of both of their faces "I'm here for you alright" he said as I couldnt seem to speak at the moment so I just nodded my understanding. I laid there in the bed laying on George's chest as he continued to stroke my hair in a calming manner and sleep was the only thing i could think of.

A week had passed and I've been thinking about where I should go I didnt want to live with my mother and put her in danger and I couldnt go back to Hogwarts. I was at the dining room table drinking a coffee when I hear a soft whisper call out to me, turning around I didnt see anybody but I could feel my powers rising something was calling me and I wasnt sure what it was. I got up leaving Molly alone in the kitchen, i was outside and I saw movement out in the tall grass of the marsh. I ran into it thinking it was death eaters, soon I came face to face with a guy covered in tattoos dressed in black he had blonde hair and blue eyes smirking at me "why are you here who are you" I said as I wiped out my wand my eyes glowing their golden color "I'm not here to hurt you.. my name is Jace and im also a guardian" he said as he had both hands up to show me he was not armed "for all I know you could be lying" I said still not dropping my guard "I'll prove it" he said as he closed his eye and when they opened they where a vibrant violet color and he shot lightning between us causing me to jump back "what do you want" I said putting my wand away "we want to help you" he said causing me to arch a brow "we?" I said as he approached me "there are others and we have a hide out not far from here come with us and we can help you with your battle" he said looking at me "I'm not sure I need to think about it" i said as he backed away "fair enough if you do choose to come just say my name and I will come for you" he said before disappearing out of sight "oh so that's what that feels like" I said as I turned back around heading back to the house. I walked back into the house as Molly looked my way "where di you run off to dear one second I'm talking with you the next your gone" she asked as she laughed a bit "I just need some fresh air I'm sorry I should have said something"  I said as I went back upstairs to think about what Jace had proposed to me.

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