18 - The first task

Start from the beginning

Next day was the day of the first task, you woke up quite early to get freshened up and ready to see how Harry does in the tournament. Once you were ready you walked down to the Slytherin common room and of course Draco, Theo and Blaise were there waiting for you.

"Come on boys lets go get some breakfast then go to the Quidditch stadium." you said as you sit on the sofa next to Draco and Theo.

"Ugh, I hope Potter fails." Draco scoffed.

" Oh grow up Draco he's my friend." You replied.

"Let's go get some breakfast shall we." Blaise added as you all agreed and went to the great hall.


After you had eaten you Draco, Theo and Blaise then went off to the Quidditch pitch for the first task. It was very windy as the breeze hit your face. All you could hear were the Weasley twins shouting trying to get people to buy the products you three made. As you walk up to the stands you caught Harry and Hermione in the distance so you chased after them.

"Harry, Hermione!" You yelled as you caught up to the tent.

"Hey Y/N." Hermione replied as she just came out of the hold of Harry.

"Good luck Harry." You started smiling. You then saw Cedric in the corner so you decided to run up to him and give him a hug from behind.

"Woah. Oh, Hey Valentine for a second I didn't realise it was you." Cedric said as he hugged you back.

" I just came to wish you good luck-" You were cut off by a camera flash. Rita skeeter and the judges were here.

"I better go Ced... Good luck." You added quickly as you sneak off. You could hear Krum having ago at the tall woman. You then found Draco, Theo and Blaise at the top of the Slytherin stand.

"Where were you Y/N." Blaise questioned as he grabs your hand to pull you up.

"I went to go wish some people good luck." You explained to him.

"Oh, Potter was it." Draco asked clearly annoyed.

"No, I also wished my-" You were cut off.

"Boyfriend Diggory good luck with kisses." Theo smirked.

"For your information Theo I'm single. Cedric is just a friend." You barked back.

"The first task is about to begin guys." Blaise said.

The canons went off, first, it was Cedric who magnificently used the transfiguration charm to turn a rock into a dog. Which took a bit of time as the Dragon was shooting fire at him. But the Dog distracted the Dragon so Cedric then quickly grabbed the egg. You cheered him on happily along with Draco, Theo, Blaise and many of the audience.

Next up was fleur Delacour who Theo was drooling over the whole time. She used the water charm to extinguished to fire from the Dragon. Which took a lot of tries as it wasn't powerful enough. She then grabbed the egg with no harm and left the task as people cheered loudly.

After Fleur was Krum who Just used defence charms to help him which did somehow work. He then aimed for the Dragons eye to distract the creature or get rid of his eyesight. He then hit the Dragon some more and then collected the egg. Mostly Slytherins and his school cheered for Krum.

Finally, the last cannon went off. It was Harry's turn. You were worried for the boy you was digging your nails into Blaise. Harry then got behind a rock trying to slyly see the Dragon. He nearly got burnt to death. He got the worse Dragon, The Hungarian Horntail, it was a nasty creature. You couldn't take it anymore you had to get Harry's attention.

"YOUR WAND HARRY! USE YOUR WAND!" you roared hoping he heard you.

And he did. He used a charm. It was the summoning charm that he finally mastered. Something was flying in the distant. It was his broom he quickly hopped onto it as the Dragon nearly burnt that too. You dugged you nails harder into Blaise's arm as people cheered on Harry as he flew around on his broom. The Dragons chain was broken. He was free chasing after Harry.

"Ouch Y/N! You're hurting me dig your nails into Draco he can deal with it." Blaise blurted out as he moved your hand onto Draco's arm. You dug your nails into his arm as you were worried about what was happening.

After some waiting and worrying everyone was talking curious of what was happening. You then could see a figure flying to the Quidditch stadium. It was Harry on his broom. People cheered as he quickly grabbed the golden egg. People were astonished at what just happened. You hugged Draco in relief that Harry was safe and alive.

" I told you he would last longer than 10 minutes." You said to Draco smirking.

"Oh please, it was just luck." He replied smirking.

Later on that day Harry invited you to the Gryffindor common room to celebrate. Which you agreed too. Every one was begging him to open the egg. Which he did and came out was a bellowing awful shriek. Ron then walked in and surprisingly became friends with Harry again. After some celebrating, you went back to your common room thanking Harry for the invitation.

"Sorry, I'm back late didn't realise how long I'd be." You explained as you walked in to see a passed out Theo and Blaise and Draco talking.

"Shush Y/N Theo is asleep." Blaise whispered as you mouthed a sorry.

"Have fun?" Draco asked.

"It was okay. I'm tired though so I'm going to head up to bed." You replied yarning.

"I'll carry you up Y/N." Draco quickly said picking you up with no time to deny his offer. He then opened your dorm door quietly and put you onto the bed.

"Thank you, Draco." You said while yarning.

"Night Y/N sleep well." He replied kissing the top of your head.


Hi guys again I am so sorry that I've taken so long to post another chapter. It would of been posted yesterday but it got deleted when I was righting 3/4 of it. But it's finally here!!! I hoped you enjoyed it and if you did... make sure to comment and vote. Byeeee.

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