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It was now the 10th of September. And guess what?

Today was my Mom's birthday! No, I am not going to tell you how old she was on this day. You must ask her yourself if you wanna know! Anyway...It was dark and stormy out on this day. My Mom mumbled to herself in concern, but the storm just made me all the more excited.

"I hope the rain doesn't cancel this meeting they planned for us."

"I don't think it will, Hippie-Mommy." I said to her in my clearly excited tone.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I looked at the VCR clock. Surely enough, it was 2:15 PM. So, Mantecado was telling the truth. My Mom and I gathered our stuff together. I answered the door and Professor Randy Rinefield stood there, grinning at us. I could tell that he must have been almost excited about this meeting as I was. Though I have no idea why he was called a professor.

"Hello!" he said to us in a friendly voice.

"Hi!" I said, extending my hand to him.

Professor Rinefield immediately shook my hand.

"I am Professor Randy Rinefield!" he happily declared to us. "And you must be the Hippie-Family!"

"Hi. I'm Laurie. This is my son, Ross." my Mom said, laughing a little about his remark.

Professor Rinefield shook my Mom's hand and then he shook my hand again because he somehow knew that I wanted to shake hands with him again. I touched his chest.

"Hippie-Muggins..." my Mom said to me sternly.

"Oh, please don't scold him. It is quite alright for him to touch me if he so desires." Professor Rinefield smiled at me again and took my hand. He beckoned to my Mom.

"Please let us be off!" he said.

We followed Professor Rinefield out into the stormy weather outside, where he and my Mom took out our umbrellas and gave mine to me. We spread them out and open.

Professor Rinefield had long medium-brown hair that went down to his shoulders and basic blue eyes. He wore a nice set of oblong spectacles, a grayish-brown suit consisting of long brownish-gray dress pants, and a jacket. He even had a matching overcoat to go with this outfit. But for some odd reason, he did not carry an umbrella. He led us out to his white car, which looked like a limo, but was no bigger than the size of a normal car.

"Can I sit in the front with you, Professor?" I asked him politely.

"Oh, but of course!" he answered happily.

He opened the front passenger door and I got in. He then opened the rear passenger door for my Mom and she too got in. He then got in himself.

"Can you please help me with my seat belt, Professor?" I asked him in a meek fashion.

"Oh, of course, Mister Muggins!" he said.

He quickly helped me fasten it. And then we set out on our way. Don't ask me why I asked him for help with fastening a seatbelt. It's an autism thingLightning flashed across the sky, accompanied by thunder.

"The weather sure is mysterious, isn't it?" Professor Rinefield asked.

"It sure is, Master Rinefield!" I told him, I was truly excited that there was even a thunderstorm going on.

"How old are you, what's your zodiac sign, and can I have your autograph either before, during, or after the meeting?"I asked him rather quickly.

"Hippie-Muggins!" my Mom said to me scolding.

Sky Fighters and Houndy CrunchersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum