"Calm down Valentine I'm sure he has a reason" Blaise stated.

"Y/N don't be mad about quidditch at least Potter won't be playing." Draco stated trying to calm you.

"I'd like to make another announcement. "Dumbledore roared over the great hall.

"This castle won't only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests this year as well." Dumbledore added while Filch comes hopping into the great hall towards the headmaster.

"You see Hogwarts has been chosen-" The Professor was cut off by Filch speaking to the man. You were all confused about what was happening.

"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-Wizard Tournament." He claimed. Students started getting excited and whispering around the tables.

"Those of you who do not know the Tri-Wizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student is selected." He added.

You were intrigued by what the Professor was saying you listened to word for word while Theo was messing about annoying Pansy.

"Now let me be clear. If chosen you stand alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint heart but more of that later for now.." He stated.

"I want to take part you know." You whispered to Blaise and Draco.

"Are you mad Y/N father told me these are dangerous." Draco barked back.

"You could die in this Valentine." Blaise added. Suddenly you heard the doors open and every single person in the room had their attention drawn to the people who were entering.

Beautiful breathtaking ladies started to storm into the great hall walking strongly towards Dumbledore. Every boy was drooling over them. They were veela you could tell. They were dancing softly swooning boys all over the place. Everyone cheered and applauded the ladies while you could even hear howls and whistles. You scoffed as Theo got drool all over the table.

"Theo stop drooling they're part veela." You ranted.

"They're bloody gorgeous." Theo admitted.

Then another set of people started to storm into the great hall. This time you were the one paying close attention as you saw Victor Krum enter the hall. He was a tall dark hair handsome boy who was staring at you. Even winked at you. Draco was furious at what happened. The boys stormed in like they were in an army they had staffs doing tricks and everything.

"Now look who's the one drooling." Theo chuckled.

"I am not drooling I'm just watching thank you." You stated crossing your arms.

"Oh please Y/N you totally were. Wasn't she Draco." Blaise asked.

"Uh yeah, whatever." He mumbled.

The Beauxbatons sat with the Ravenclaws while the Durmstrang sat with the Slytherins. The feast has finally begun you all dug in while every so often you saw Krum staring at you looking you up or down. You get flustered very easily.

"Everything alright Y/N you seem a bit flustered I dare say." Blaise asked concerned.

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine Blaise just Krum keeps staring at me." You admitted quietly.

" I'll hex that boy if he doesn't quit it eyeing you as Potter did at the world cup." Draco ranted.

"Calm down Draco it's fine just not used to male attention." You assured him.

A few men all stood up with Dumbledore messing with something large on the stage of the great hall you couldn't help but be nosey about it.

"Look guys I think Dumbledore is about to speak about the Tournament again." You commented.

"Your attention please!" Dumbledore yelled out.

"I'd like to say a few words.." He started. You couldn't help but stare at Draco. He was a handsome boy, very smart and lovely well only to you and his other friends.

It was when he turned to look at you you freaked out and went all red you didn't know what to do. You gave him a slight smile while he mouthed if you were okay. You nodded yes and he gave a smile back and turned back to Professor Dumbledore.

As Dumbledore was still speaking a large tall man walked in drenched in water from the storm and thunder outside. He had one eye and another one but it was fake as it was tied with an eye patch. Thunder then started inside students were freaking out luckily the man who entered stopped it so he grabbed everyone's attention.

"Bloody hell that's Mad eye moody isn't it?" Theo blurted out.

"Alastor moody the Auror?" Blaise added.

"Ex Auror Blaise not anymore." You commented.

"After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of seventeen to be allowed to put their name into the Tri-Wizard Tournament." Barty Crouch confirmed. This caused students to roar out in anger for the rule to be the age of seventeen. The loudest people you could hear were the Weasley twins shouting "That's rubbish!" Till Dumbledore bellowed for silence.

Dumbledore then did a quick flick of his wand to reveal a large Goblet that was glistening in bright gigantic blue flames.

"The goblet of fire. Anyone who is wishing to submit themselves into the tournament will write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it into the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly if chosen there's no turning back. As from this moment, the Tri-Wizard Tournament had begun." Dumbledore explained.

"What a load of bullocks." Theo complained.

"Hey don't be mad about it I can't take part either Theo." You comfort the boy opposite you.

"Bet you Potter will still put his name in." Draco raged.

"Oh, will you stop talking about him Draco you're acting like you love the boy." Blaise teased the blonde next to you.

"Come on guys let's head to the common room." You added.

HI GUYSSS. So hopefully you'll be getting some chapters in the next two weeks as i'm off from school for October half term WOOOO.
i am very sorry that you haven't been getting chapters each time as personal stuff has been happening and lots of events plus school.
lots of love authorrrr:))

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