"What, all of a sudden??"

"Yeah, like, yesterday." Lisa shrugged, "she told me she didn't like the way I dressed up, or the way I ate my fries... I mean, am I an ugly eater?"

Lisa and Niki has been dating ever since we were thirteen, and now we're eighteen, which makes that five years for them.

I scoffed, "far from that, Lili."

"Really? I thought I was an ugly eater."

I thought for a brief moment, "oh hell no, have you seen the way Jisoo eats? She eats her sausage like sucking an ice popsicle. Who does that? If anybody's an ugly eater, she's an ugly eater." That cracked Lisa up.

"And Niki didn't like the way you dressed up? She needs to see an optometrist." I added, causing her to burst out laughing even more.

"Wait, but shouldn't you be sad? I mean, I thought you loved her."

Lisa pouted, "I think I was only with her because her mom makes the best mango sticky rice."

"Ugh, what even is love?" I shook my head, wondering why the hell these bimbos would even date each other for all these 'on the surface' things. For a concrete five years to be sarcastic and exact.

"Are you really asking me that? When you literally hate the idea of it?"

"I don't hate it, things just aren't going too well with Ryce."

"Hah," Lisa cackled, "Rice."

"Stop making fun of his name, you dummy."

"Nah. Who asked his parents to name him 'Ryce'? It just reminds me of rice as in the food rice, every single time."

I rolled my eyes, that had been fixed tenderly on her for quite sometime now. "That's just sad, how your lame brain is always revolving around food."

"I love food as much as I love you. It's a no brainer Nini."

I smirked, "glad to know."

Hanging out with Lisa has always been my favourite thing to do. I honestly prefer ditching my boyfriend for her because truth be told she's just more enjoyable to be with.

And I know I'm being a hypocrite to say this since I am dating a guy, when I said I hate men.

"What's up with him again? Him and his unstable mood swings?" Lisa winced, "I swear he is a woman in disguise and has periods."

I giggled, "he recently went around school boasting about how we had sex in the principal's office, when we haven't even gone past holding hands. Let alone kissing."

"Oh yeah, I heard." Lili slammed her hands lightly on the table, "damn it, he's crazy." She paused, "just break up with him Nini, or tell me if you need me to disintegrate his genitals or something."

"I might consider that. Men are literally getting worser every single day." I replied.

"Yeah, remember your first boyfriend? Jace? He hated me because I passed you a milkshake during break. Like, they're so whiny."

"I hate whiny men."

"Same." She laughed.

I didn't notice myself admiring how pretty she looks until her phone on the table suddenly vibrated, causing us to jolt our attentions to it.

Niki was what I saw on the notifications until Lisa groaned in annoyance. The back of my eyes flickered in irk and my brain ticked with displease.

"Alright, I have to go." She grumbled, "ex-girlfriend duties."

That made me confused. And slightly more irritated than I already was before. Women could be such a chore as well if I were to be rationale here. And hell, there was no such thing as 'ex-girlfriend duties'. That's literal bullshit.

Lisa grabbed her phone as she stood up. Her eyes glimmered down to mine before she took my hand that was laid on the table gently in hers, giving it a good sniff as she kissed my fingertips, "See you later, cheesecakes."

That made me smile instantaneously wide. Well, she always does this before she leaves. And she has this obsession with calling me cheesecakes.

It's either Nini, or cheesecakes.

I guess it was because the first time we met, I was carrying ten boxes of it down the hallway in school when my class ordered it for a celebration. I was sneezing, because I was allergic to cheese, however I still got sent down by the teacher to collect the delivery because that bitch didn't know shit about me to even care about my well being.

Argh, so much for them claiming, 'we know what's best for our students.'

I barely made it up to the second floor when I let out a huge sneeze, making me lose my balance which sent the boxes of cheesecakes flying across the staircase.

Cliché thing was, Lisa happened to be there. And the cheesecakes landed on her face, practically stained her entire uniform.

What surprised me was that fact that she stayed to help me tidy myself up since I got stained too. From then on, we got close. She would constantly tease me about it and refused to stop calling me cheesecakes.

At first, it was a little annoying, but I've apparently grown to like it. Let's be real, it sounds kinda cute.

Well, another reason was because she herself, loves cheesecakes. One's allergic to cheesecake while the other loves it? When worlds' collide, I guess.

"I'll drop by your house later, we gotta discuss about your hatred for men and that plan we've been thinking about actually doing for awhile now."

"Sure Lili." I smirked.

She was about to leave the cafe when she turned back with a serious expression.

"Oh, and I'm serious when I said to break up with Ryce."

God, her low low, menacing voice always gets me all the time.

Damn, she can really be possessive and really straightforward sometimes. But whatever, I really like that about her. That's what makes her my superhero. My shooting star.

I nod, giving her a simple reassurance though I might not even bother to comply to. Honestly, I'm just lazy to break up with Ryce, because he's still a pretty chill guy on the inside.

But that plan...


How am I supposed to put this?

Oh. Right. Shortest context I can decipher for now would be about making men fall in love with me, and then dumping them like worn-out toys I get bored of over time.

Because, I don't like men.

Screw MenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя