48 Draco Malfoy x Luna Lovegood || Autumn

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The sky was watery blue & completely devoid of cloud cover. The air was crisp & light as it danced teasingly across his cheeks, the coolness almost making his eyes water. Draco Malfoy pulled his emerald & silver scarf tighter around his neck, & smiled.

Autumn. His favourite season.

Not that he'd admit to anyone that he had a favourite season, much less that it was autumn. He bent down to examine a particularly ornate leaf, but it crumbled at his touch. He returned his hands to his pockets sullenly.

No, to admit that he loved the crunch of leaves underfoot, & sight of the bare tree branches swaying in breeze would be to risk his reputation. A reputation that he'd worked so hard to cultivate.

It wasn't easy to appear frightening, when you, yourself were always frightened.

Out of the corner of his eye, Draco spotted an untamed mane of gossamer curls peeking out from behind the latest issue of The Quibbler. He felt his breath hitch in his throat: Luna Lovegood.

He couldn't pinpoint exactly when it was that his heart had begun to race whenever he saw her. Months, years. It felt like an eternity. An eternity of quelling the impulse to reach out to her; to grab her hand, or caress her cheek.

She would understand him, he knew that she would. He saw her kindness, her softness. She would understand why he loved autumn, & why he was always frightened. He wouldn't have to put up the façade of the tough Slytherin around her.

He would just be... himself.

If only she would look at him.

It's September 1st... grab your owls & trunks, & I'll see you at the platform! So excited to be going home x

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