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Before you enter the land of poc face claims please read this little disclaimer first about all you need to know about this book.

This is a book specifically for poc's  (people of colour) any diverse ethnicities are going to be found here. I will not argue with anyone who comments about how there is a poc book and should be with white people in it whatever. Bro I am white and I acknowledge that whitewashing is a fucking crime in the creative world. We need diversity! That is why I wanted to write this book and in the era of blm we fucking need it! I hear any racist bull shit imma just toss the comment into the trash along with that little 'report' button up at the top k? good good.

You are welcome to use any of these face claims at any time for whatever you need. I just bring them forward for viewing. When I do these chapters I will put the age of the person at the current moment I am writing the chapter. This could mean next year in 2021 they are a year older. I do not change the age because it's just too much work, that is also why I put the birth year of the person. I find with putting their age you get a general range of the type of person you want for your book. You want a 20-year-old and see this person who is in their 20s? Perfect. Pleeease don't comment 'oh you're wrong gotta correct you on age' when it has been two years since I put up that chapter.

I do my best to look up all information on the person before posting. Another important aspect is at the end I say what they are best known for and will put some of the most noteworthy things they are known for. They could very well be in other things but it is too much time to put in absolutely every tv show, movie, song, band, an accomplishment they have done. I put the ones I know or what the internet tells me is the most important things and the stuff that got them in the spotlight.

I also try my best to look up all the correct information and try to fact check myself but I may have the ol' slip up now and again. It happens. If I mistook someone's birthday or race or eye colour please leave me a nice comment and I will change it when I can! 

I do a lot of writers guides on my account including face claims books for females, males, kids and lgbt+ face claims. Go check them out! I also have a popular book called Holy Grail of Names which gives a big list of names for any occasion to use whenever you need and help you get inspired. Make sure to check out my own books as well because I also am a writer and I need support thx bb.

Want to help the BLM?? Check out their official website linked below. Donate, become educated, learn, take action. It is our world to shape it the way we want and to make this world a place where everyone can be happy and free no matter the colour of their skin, religion, sexual orientation or gender. Bro we spend like 80 years on this earth no one has the time for racist bullshit. Join the fight for freedom.
But remember it doesn't really stop there, even right now Asians are being absolutely ridiculed because of the COVID epidemic going on. My ex, someone who is only half KOREAN and who was born in Canada almost refused to leave his house because of so many situations of people absolutely lashing out at him simply because he is Asain like bro he isn't even Chinese like whaatt??? He didn't eat the stinkin' bat there is no reason to blame a whole race for one individuals mistake. There is so much shit going on in this world right now I'm ready to just throw this laptop out of my lap and just like run. But that is enough with my rants just remember to treat people the way you want to be treated.


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