Chapter 33

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Tsuna, Hayato, and Takeshi had taken over Mukuro and Chrome's job of gaining more information on the League. They had found two locations so far, and were still looking for more. Tsuna was going through the warehouse that Chrome reported All for One had made his home and the main base for the Nomu experimentations. He was being careful as he moved around the tanks that held the Nomu's. Ignoring the grotesque things and other experiments that were being done. Being who he was he had seen worse experiments done on humans, but it had never failed to make him angry.

For now, though he was looking for ways to hinder them and any information he could get so the heroes could take them down. After going down a few long hallways, he reached a file room and it looked like it was being packed up. Tsuna smirked lightly and covered the room in his mist flames transferring the files to one of Vongola's bases nearby so he could have people go through the information. The files would be important for information especially if he got to take the mafia route.

Just as he was finishing the transfer, his intuition alerted him of an incoming attack. He quickly dodged the black tendrils and turned around to face who had attacked him. Who was behind him was none other than All for One. Tsuna stood straight dusting off his pants.

"You're All for One I presume," Tsuna said, looking at the black headpiece the villain wore. He wasn't hiding under an illusion, that gave him a bit of an edge.

"Who might you be?" All for One asked, for the moment standing still.

"I go by many names, but I'm someone even hero society can't touch, unlike you," Tsuna said. "You can call me Cielo."

"Cielo? Sky? How interesting. I was not expecting such a prominent figure to interfere with my work. Especially not one as regal as you." All for One mused, clapping his hands.

Tsuna chuckled smirking. "Let's just say you've poked a hornet's nest, and that might very well be your end."

"We shall see." All for One said as he attacked Tsuna again. The small fight ended with All for One grabbing Tsuna by the neck. Tsuna struggled a bit 'trying' to get away. "Now how about I see what that quirk you have is."

Tsuna looked at him, as he stopped struggling. The mist covering the room vanished. "How about I just tell you hmm?"

All for One was shocked to see his file room empty. He looked back at Tsuna tightening his hold on Tsuna's neck. "Where are my files?!"

"You'll never know now, will you. I must be going." Tsuna said as he began to disappear in purple misty flames. " And for your information, I have no quirk."

With that said Tsuna disappeared. Tsuna started running when his feet hit solid ground again, startling Hayato and Takeshi. They took off after him very confused as to what happened while they were getting information about the Nomus.

"Tsuna? What happened?" Takeshi asked concerned.

"Oh, nothing big. I just had a run-in with All for One. He wanted my so-called quirk." Tsuna shrugged in reply once they were on the train back to their home for the night. Both Hayato and Takeshi froze in shock. Neither was sure what to say. It was silent for a while before Hayato spoke up.

"We're supposed to meet class 1-A at the pool tomorrow morning for some sort of training exercise," Hayato said.

Tsuna nodded thinking. "Alright, then we'll be there."

The two nod in understanding as they were supposed to seem like 'normal' high schoolers again. The rest of the train ride was quiet, all three of them more or less tired from the late night.

When they returned to the home the three got to work on the reports and general Mafia/CEO work that there was. Even if they had a break they never truly did and hadn't for a long time. 

The next day all of class 1 - A had gathered at the UA pool. The girls had one side of the large pool and the boys had the other side for training. Tsuna sighed lightly as he closed the gym locker door, he and his friends were the last three to get to the pool. He did not want to explain why he was covered in scars again even though he felt like it was inevitable.

"Are you okay, Tsana?" Takeshi asked glancing over at his friend.

Tsana looked at him and nodded. "Yes. Let's go." The two nodded and headed outside to the pool. They ignored the shocked stares from the girls' side of the pool as they joined the boys in a swimming contest. 

Bakagou tried to call Tsuna out for being a chicken when the brunet didn't join in the contest and decided to be the judge after everyone had warmed up. Tsuna paid the taunts no mind as he ran a hand through his wet hair.

"Are you done blowing steam porcupine?" Tsuna questioned looking at him when the blond had quieted down a bit.


Tsuna raised an eyebrow and glanced around before looking at Bakagou again. "You."

Many held in their snickers so as to not anger the blond any further. Hayato and Takeshi however both laughed not caring if Bakagou grew angrier. Bakagou only started to spark from his hands in anger which clearly did not intimidate Tsuna in the slightest. Bakagou started forward just as Aizawa came out to the pool to tell everyone their time was up. Tsuna noticed Aizawa and moved to head back to the locker rooms brushing past Bakagou who had his quirked blocked by the Pro Hero. Hayato and Takeshi quickly followed also wanting to get out of the situation too tired to deal with the younger teenagers. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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