"Yeah...Do you not want that to happen?"

He brought his hands up, "No! No, of course I do! It's just I don't know how you'd react is all..."

I gave him a look, "What? What do you even mean by that?"

He gave one back, "Are you serious, Ariella? Think about what I just said."

"Okay..." and that's when it hit me, oh my god!

He's right. If we continued, I could of hurt him. I'm still not okay with being touched there...

I took my hand off his, turned from him and wrapped my other arm around my right one.

"Oh...You mean because of my assault, don't you."

"Yes, please look at me Ariella..."

A shy tear fell from my eye as I turned back to him. I looked up into his eyes, he was serious but caring.

"It's true that I'm still not okay with it all... I am scared, but I didn't feel that with you. I guess I just got carried away with trying to prove to you that you're the one I love most." I said softly.

Deku brought his hand up to my cheek. I leaned into it and took one of my hands and placed it over his.

"And that's on me...I should of never agreed to what Kacchan said. I know you love me, I was just jealous..."

I laughed a little, "That you were, both of you I might add."

He gave a small smile, "I really am sorry and for ruining your birthday. Can't say the same for Kacchan though..."

I sighed as we both dropped our hands. A sudden shiver race through my body and I brought my arm back to the other, hugging myself tight. I heard Deku laugh then, I looked up at him.

"Hey! My shivering is on you, you really hurt me..."

He took his shirt off, "Again, sorry. Here, take this, I'll be fine without it for now."

He handed it over as my cheeks flushed crimson. I took it and put it on, but couldn't take my eyes off him. Seeing his muscles, scars, everything, it was all so much.

"Thanks, Deku. You know, I actually forgot how many scars you have..."

A slight blush crept to his cheeks, "C-come on, Ariella, don't say it like that. These are scars of a true hero, I've learn to accept them."

"I know that, I'm just saying eventually your bones will become unhealable the more you push yourself."

"You're sounding a lot like All Might and Recovery Girl, you know."

"So? It's the tru-" I was cut off by rumbling in my stomach.

Blush flooded my face as I held my arms around it, Deku started laughing.


"Shut up! Maybe I am, it is 6:30 pm."

He laughed harder, "Sounds like you need food. Want me to make us some? I'm pretty hungry too."

I smiled and dropped my arms, "Yeah, sounds good. Can we not eat out by everyone yet though? I'm not up to going out there just yet..."

He smiled and got up from my bed, "Sure, do you have any specific requests for food?"

"Nah, anything is fine with me."

Deku headed for the door, "Alright then. I'll be back in a little while, see ya in a bit Ariella." and he was gone.

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