"Don't feel bad that you're a smol bean, because you're my smol bean."

"Give me a break, I'm big!" I quietly yell, punching him gently in the chest.  He lets out a mocking "oof" which makes me want to tackle him even more, but we're in public so I end our little dispute with a glare.

We sit down on a nearby bench and tie up our skates.  I'm a pro at roller skating, I think it helps that I love skateboarding, but Harry's not as skilled.  I stand up once my shoes are on tight and reach down to give Harry a hand.  He takes it and wobbles his way up onto his feet.  We slowly skate over to the entrance, me not letting go of his hand once, and slowly make our way onto the rink. 

I look over to him, he has fear in his eyes, but when he looks down to me, a huge smirk smacks it's spot on his face. What the?

"Try and keep up."

Before I even have a chance to answer his little remark, he lets go of my hand and sprints forward.

Good God he's fast!

A huge smile erupts onto my face as I realize Harry had been playing me.  I begin sprinting as well.  We're both going extremely fast, as the traffic of people around us is trailing slowly behind.

I struggle to catch up to him, which is a sentence I would not have guessed I would've said, and he notices me keeping too much distance between us.  He slows down as he looks back to me.  Once I've finally caught up, I skate besides him and smile.

"You little shit!  You're excellent!  You really caught me off guard."

"You thought you'd have to guide me through each step huh?" He mumbles through a smirk.

"Yeah and I was looking forward to it."

"Well too bad." He cocks his head to the side and shrugs his shoulder, picking up speed.  Wow this man is a talented skater.  I pick up speed as well, and this time I don't have a problem keeping up with him.

We've already made it around the rink twice, passing faces that became familiar from lapping so much. 

"How are you so good?"

"I skated all the time with Gemma as a kid."

"So let me ask you this, why are you so pathetic on a skateboard?"

"Cause my feet aren't strapped in.  Roller skates are just shoes with wheels.  Really not that hard."  Harry shrugs humbly.

Please Harry, just once can you accept that you're amazing.

I slowly advance closer to him and take his hand in mine.  We skate hand in hand for a bit, until I turn and realize he's starting to struggle catching his breath.

I frown, watching his eyebrows press together and his mouth frown from trying to breathe.  Why doesn't he ever just tell me he's in pain?

"Hazza, you're struggling, let's slow down."

He turns to me and nods.  He can't even get a word out.  I don't blame him, we've been going pretty hardcore for the past 10 minutes.

"Don't push yourself so hard, I don't want you passing out on me."

"Damn asthma." He spits out

"I think it's cute, just not when you push yourself too far to this point."

He nods.  We've slowed our speed down substantially to the point where people start lapping us.  He's finally starting to catch his breath as his hold on my hand tightens.  I smile as I analyze his captivating charm.  His dreamy eyes, searching every wall in the room, taking in every little detail and processing it in his beautiful mind.  His luxurious lips, sitting so proper and delicate just above his chin, almost begging me to lick them.  His precious little nose, sniffing in and out, crinkling when he takes in a deep breath.  Every feature on his face working simultaneously to create one of the most elegant and glorious pieces of art that only God himself could craft.  Every lavish and opulent color scattered along his cheeks all putting in an extensive amount of effort to stun whatever creature was looking at them.  I couldn't help but skate starstruck next to this ravishing being who was only focused on putting one foot in front of the other.  The love I feel for him is beyond any emotion I've ever felt.  It's so hard for me to understand it, I mean I can't even wrap my head around the fact that he even wants to be around me.  I just pray to God that nothing ever comes between us.  There's so much shit in the world that could try it's best to tear us apart, and I hope with every fiber of my being that we don't let it, but part of me is terrified that it will succeed.  All I can do at this moment is squeeze his hand tighter and let him know that I'm here until the end of time.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now