Waking up

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Lily Potter opened her eyes and groaned at the sudden display of brightness. She remembered dying, she could remember the same green light that killed James racing towards her as she stood in front of her baby trying to protect him.

Lily forced herself to ignore the painful memories that were forcing themselves to the surface, after all, if she was alive maybe James and Harry were too.

"James?" She quietly called out, she spotted a mop of black and unruly hair and raced over to it and started shaking her husband sobbing his name praying to every god that he was alive.

James groaned and opened his eyes, "Lily?" He sat up, fixing his glasses and looked around confused.  "I think we should go home and let everyone know we are okay."

Lily nodded and followed him to what used to be their house, when they got there they were met with a ginger haired young woman reading a book while simultaneously watching her children playing.

Lily walked up to her, "excuse me?" She asked politely.

The woman looked up, she was gorgeous. Her wavy ginger hair blowing in the wind and warm brown eyes staring at them kindly. "Can I help you with anything?" She smiled as she stood up.

"I haven't seen you guys around here, are you new to the area? I'm Ginny by the way, Ginny Potter."

Lily and James shared a quick discreet glance, as they saw that she had her wand sticking out of her boot.

James stepped foreward, "did you just say Potter?"  Ginny finally got a good look at them and her eyes widened in shock and she stumbled backwards a little bit.

"Oh Merlin." She muttered as Lily looked at her concerned and reached out to stabilize her,        "what? Are you okay?"

Paying no attention to Lily's question Ginny quickly called over one of her children "Al where is your father?"

"He's at work mama." He replied and ran back to his siblings to go play. Ginny bit her lip and looked back and James and Lily and ushered them into her house.

Ginny has a feeling that Harry's parents were one of the many returners.

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