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• feeling a body this close to his San turned around and showed you a very wide smile whilst exclaiming a "Y/NNNNN"

• he immediately grabbed you and danced with you, as you just laughed it off, doing whatever goofy move with your body you could

• suddenly there was another body behind you and an as enthusiastic "Y/NNN" getting screamed into your ear, as the first one

• Wooyoung was giggling when he wrapped his arms around your shoulders

• "I'm so happy you are here!"

• "Same!" San joined him and the level of drunkness they were was still pleasant to you

• "I'm also happy to see you both, but do you know where the others are?"

vthey seemed puzzled for a moment, like they didn't understand your question, until San nearly screamed out a "Seonghwa-hyung" that had you startled

• not to far away said male turned around and his expression immediately brightened once he saw you

• "hiiiiiiii" he laughed his way over and even though he was the oldest, he seemed just as drunk as the other two

• "did you both get him like that?" you questioned, as San and Wooyoung nodded proudly

• "he needed to loosen up a bit, like Hongjoong-hyung, but sadly we couldn't get him to drink." Wooyoung pouted, as he moved over to hold onto your arm, the other two also getting a bit closer, since the space on the dance floor was limited

• "are the models ganging up on me now or something?" you questioned, looking at their very stylish choice of clothes

• there was this kinda awkward stare down between them, as they all analyzed each others outfits

• "but you're also a model, so we can't gang up on you." Seonghwa replied after some time, looking puzzled and then smirking

• the other two agreed to to his statement by bobbing their heads vigorously

• with a raise of your eyebrows the oldest momentarily lost his cockiness, but before you could give your own comment, a girl group song started to play suddenly and it went wild

• pilled in between the three males that were screaming and goofing around, you had literally forgotten your task of finding the others

• being sure, that they'd still be there, when you came back, you left the dancing crowd and searched for your 4 friends that you hadn't seen already

• as the room next door got closer, the blaring music got quieter and instead a what sounded like a karaoke set up reached your ear

• the voice was quiet familiar as you were met with the sight of Mingi feeling himself, standing on a table and rapping like there was no tomorrow

• said boy was in his own bubble, his friends hyping him up even more, as his spectacular "show" came to an end

• he high-fived some of the people's hands, feeling proud of himself, till one hand didn't leave his and instead intertwined their fingers together

• slightly confused he looked the person in the face only to realize that it was you

• without even a greeting he immediately addressed his rap, asking if you'd seen his performance

• "yeah I saw it, you were very charismatic and cool."

• another boost to his confidence and he was cockily smirking at his friends

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