She still couldn't believe this was all real, that she had just woken up beside Joe Liebgott in a warm and comfy bed.

" Good morning," she whispered gently, her voice gentle and so pure in the morning. It made Joe smile lazily at her.

" Can I tel you something?" Hazel whispered softly, her eyes shining.

" Of course," Joe whispered, pushing hair behind her ear as she giggled a bit.

" You look cute when you wake up in the morning." Hazel said and her face went bright pink in a nervous way - a shy way.

" I look cute, I think you look cuter." Joe said and Hazel giggled as Joe smirked at her.

" But if I do say so myself I am pretty cute." Joe said and Hazel let out a giggle, squeezing her eyes shut as she shook her head. Meeting his gaze again she couldn't help but smile up at him.

" Will life be like this? In San Fransisco?" she whispered to him.

" Yes," Joe whispered, slowly leaning forward to press a soft kiss to her forehead before looking right into her eyes, " and we'll be able to go on a real date, and we can go dancing - I'll show you the bridge, all of it. Just you and I." Hazel's smile only grew.

" It's all I want." she whispered.

" And I promise to give it to you." he whispered back and she smiled.

" I love you, Joe." she said, watching that dorky little smirk rise on his face again.

" Holy shit, I love you." Joe whispered and Hazel let out a shy giggle, " I do, I really do. You deserve to be told you're loved, Hazel. Everyday." Hazel watched him with shining eyes.

" Joe..." 

But the look Joe gave Hazel made her voice catch in her throat and a smile spread across her face. Joe softly pressed his forehead to hers, their eyes gently shut - and for that moment, it was just the two of them in each other's arms, listening to nothing but the birds and the crickets, feeling the warm sun filter in through the open windows and a gentle breeze brush over their heads. Hazel wished that if there were ever those few moments you could stay in forever, this would be closest to the top, sitting here with Joe, just being right here with him.

" You ever wish you could stay in moments forever?" she whispered softly.

" With you? Always." And Hazel felt her heart race - because Joe finally made her feel things, other than the pain and grief of a love that just wasn't meant to be. With Joe loved seemed more than possible, it seemed worth every bit of it.

" Hey, Joe?" Hazel asked as Joe softly watched her, right in front of her face.

" Hm?" he hummed gently, softly.

" Sometimes I miss war." she whispered softly, her heart breaking at the statement, her eyes boring into his, filled with an evident pain, " Not war-war, but being with all the guys, that part of war, being with Catherine and Lizzie - I"m going to miss that." Joe softly watched her in the soft morning light.

" Me too," Joe said softly. Hazel frowned a bit, softly meeting his gaze, glowing against the beige pillow. 

The two watched each other softly that morning, a silent conversation passing from eye to eye - they didn't need words co communicate what they were each feeling about this war and the final end to it all - even a month later. It was hard sometimes and it sucked. Getting out of a routine you were breed to moving with. It would be hard and continue to be hard. 

When the two arrived out to the large backroom, Lena was already working around the kitchen, making pancakes, bacon, eggs, and coffee.

" Hey, you two." Lena called as Daisy lay by her feet, a doggy smile on her face, " Sleep well?" Hazel turned bright red as Joe smirked.

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