RHM x Reginal

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High school AU (they're both 16)
(Simon= Right Hand Man)- based on a headcanon

Trigger warning: mention of self harm and suicidal thoughts! Read at your own risk! (There will also be swearing in this)

(Reginals POV)

I twirled a pencil aimlessly in my left hand as i watched Simons chest rise and fall. We have been friends and partners in crime since kindergarten, but recently he's been drifting away. After 2 weeks of ignoring me, we finally got paired up for a school project, i was planning on talking to him about it, but as soon as we got to my house he fell asleep on the couch and left me all the work.

A slight red hue rested on my cheeks as i realized how long iv been staring. As soon as i met Simon i knew there was something different about him, he made me feel things iv never felt before. And even though he was my "Right Hand Man" he was always the one giving orders.

A small smiled tugged at my lips, even though Simon was being a bit of a dick lately, it didn't change how i felt about him. God, look at you. My smile quickly faded when those thoughts started to settle in. Your so pathetic, you really think he'd ever love someone like you?! Tears started to form in my eyes and i stoped twirling the pencil. Your a useless. Waste. Of. Space. A few tears rolled down my face and i droped the pencil, hugging my knees up to my chest. Just give up already. I looked up at Simon who was still fast asleep. Its not like anyone would care. This was what broke me, the tears keep falling and i held my hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs. The last thing i want is for Simon to see me like this.

I quickly stood up and ran to my bathroom. I closed and locked the door before finaly letting it all out. My pain came out in pathetic sobs, the voice started to get distorted and multiply, i couldn't tell what they were saying, but it still made me upset. After a full 20 minutes i was finaly able to make out one of my thoughts. Do it.

I stood up and walked over to the sink, wiping a new batch of tears every step. I rolled up my sleeves reveling old and new scars, all caused by myself. I reached under the sink and whinced in pain once i hit something sharp. I pulled out the blade that i kept under there, it the one place no one ever looks. I sheakley brought the blade to my arm, wincing in pain with every blood drawing stroke. A sharp pain caused me to drop the blade, i examined the damge. Shit. Both of my arms were now covered in blood. Even more then usual. I winced in pain as anouther shap pain shot through my arms. I backed up against the wall and slide down to the ground. This is it. I thought to myself as my eyes started to get heavier.

Im sorry Simon. This is it for me. Goodbye. Everything went black.
My eyes jolted open when i heard a bang. "Reg! P-please just, o-open the door.  I-im s-starting to get w-worried over here", my eyes drifted over to the door, i could see its structure waning with every pound. "Reg i-im being serious! A-answer or unlock the door or s-something!", i brought my attention back to my wrist, the blood had dried over the wounds and covered the ground. How the hell am i not dead.

"Fuck, p-please Regie, i-im, im scared ok, just p-please tell me your ok", i pulled my sleeves back down and slowly walked over to the door unlocking it. The door swung open and Simom wraped his arms around me tightly. "God damit Reg! You scared the fucking shit outa me!", he hugged me tighter, refusing to let go. "Do you know how long you've fuckin been in here?!", he answered before i could respond. "Five fucking hours! With no god dam responds when i called to you", he barried his face into my shoulder. "Shit Reg, i...i thought i lost you", i could feel tears soaking into my sweater. He went quiet for a minute.

"Please, for the love of god, please dont ever do that to me again", he pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "I-if your tired, i-i can finish the project, you-", his eyes widened as his gaze rested on something behind me. "R-reg, w-what is that", i turned around to see the blood soaked blade on the floor. Shit. My mind blanked, i didn't know what to say, what to tell him.

Before i could answer, Simon had grabed one of my arms and rolled down the sleeve, i winced in pain and a worried look shot across his face. Tears started to form in his eyes, "R-reg...", he carefully let go of my arm and grabbed the other, slowly rolling up the sleeve. His hands were shaking almost as much as mine.

He carefully lead me over to the bathtub and sat me down. "W-wait here", he grabed the blade on his way out. He came back 3 minutes later with a first aid kit and one of his hoodies. He sat down beside me and carfully grabbed my arm, sliding my arm out of the sleeve, he did this again before pulling the sweater over my head. He cleaned my wounds before wrapping my arms in bandage, and carfully helping me put on his hoodie, Simon was at least 4 inches taller then me and wore a large, so the hoodie was practically a dresss on me.

Simon picked me up bridal style without saying anything. I could tell he was mad. He sat down on the couch with me in his lap. He was silent for a minute. "Reg?", i humed in response. "Do...do you want to talk about it?", i rested my head on his chest and shook my head 'no'. Simon brought one of his hands to my back and started rubbing it in a comforting way. He sighed, "Alright, you can tell me when your ready", he checked his phone for the time, 10pm. "Hey, you wanna order food? We can watch a couple disney movies, we'll just finish the project tomorrow", my eyes lit up and i nodded eagerly, he always knew how to cheer me up. He chuckled at this, "Hah, alright, i see if that chinese place down the street is open", we spent the rest of the night eating and watching old disney movies. I was cuddled up to him and fell asleep halfway through Mulan.

And for the first time in 2 years, the voice was completely silent.

Word count: 1167

A/N i hope you guys enjoyed this, and sorry if it got confusing with the whole name thing, i thought it would sound weird if Reginal kept calling his friend from kindergarten "Right Hand Man", insteed of his actual name. Also this was definitely not an excuse to not write the Henry x Charles part 2....ima do it later. I start school in a week, so ill try to get that part out before then

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