Just a Little Bit

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Well, to start this wild book of craziness, let me inform you of my personal life a bit...

My full name is Madaline (I'll wait a while before I reveal my last name), and my birthday is April 11th, 2001. I have a sister, a brother, four step-sisters, a half sister, and two step-brothers. I am from a small town in Tennessee and I've lived here most of my life.

Only one person in my family knows about my life on here - my sister, Abbie. She doesn't really care, but she actually is okay with it. I am actually not that popular, with only a few friends that I speak to on a daily basis. Everyone else is extremely popular, and they're all stuck-up and rude.

My house is pretty small, and I live next to a cemetery, which actually isn't that bad. Two of my friends actually go to the church next to my house, so it's kind of cool. My grades have been A's the majority of my life, as I am a high achieving student. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life when I grow up; I might be an author, or an engineer, or a lawyer, or something of those things.

I am not an active person at all. I love drawing, reading, writing, but actually being active... it's not my cup of tea. I hate running, I hate playing sports (except dodgeball - I love dodgeball), and I hate going outside (unless it feels good, and it's not too cold or hot).

I love being comfortable in what I wear. I wear a simple jacket, jeans, Converse shoes, a T-shirt, nothing too fancy. I hate wearing ponytails, and I love wearing flip-flops or sandals. I rarely wear makeup, and if I do, it's barely anything.

I'm always complimented on my eye color. I actually love my eye color, and the same goes for my hair. Lots of people say I'm very pretty, but I know there are more beautiful people that they can compliment out there. (If you have a compliment that will make me extremely happy, leave it on this paragraph so I will see :D)

But honestly, I'm an extremely self-conscious person. My weight, my feet (ungodly huge), my legs... It's all the stuff I know I can improve. I have one of those round stomachs, the ones that pregnant women get when they're skinny before they're pregnant and they finally have a baby bump showing after ages of waiting.

But don't worry, I'm not pregnant.

If you have anymore things you want to know about my personal life, let me know in the comments :) I love reading your comments, they make me so happy. The last chapter had some comments saying that they were excited to 'see my true beauty'. That made me so happy, so you guys keep those sweet comments coming.

That's all for now...

I love you guys so much, and I'll see you all later!


- Maddie <3

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