Chapter 2

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                                                                                Brantley's P.O.V

Kolby walks in with the food and Mama is following behind him with some of the other food. I ran back into the kitchen to grab some glasses and brought out the jug of sweet tea Mama had made that day.

We all sat down. Daisy was sitting next to me and on the other side was Mama then Kolby was at the oppostie end of the table. Mama smile's and look's at me "Brantley would you pray over the food since you are back home." I sigh and looked at her "Mama do I have to do it?" Daisy speak's up and smile's "Hey Mama I'll pray" She smiles and nod's "Okay. Hat's off boy's"

We bowed our head's and closed our eyes. Daisy started the prayer "Dear Heavenly Father thank you for another wonderful day and thank you for this wonderful that Mama had made for us. Also thank you for brining Brantley back home safe and sound. Thank you for everything you have done for us. I ask you to bless us with anything you can. In your holy name we pray. Amen"

We all smiled and said in a unsion "Amen"

We all began to fix our plates and eating. Kolby started messing with Daisy. Daisy hit's his shoulder "Kolby... I'm gonna kick your booty!" He laughs "And you and what army?" I smile and point at me "Me that's what army" Mama shooked her head "No wrestling in the house!"

The 3 of us began to laugh and smile "Kolby we have to wreslte later. Daisy and I have a date after dinner" Mama and Kolby looked at us the Daisy looked down and blushed. I smiled and rubbed her back. 

After we all got done with dinner. I grabbed Daisy by her waist and spinned her around"B-Brantley!" We both laughed then I ended up picking her up and heading outside to my truck. When we got to the truck I put her down and smiled then I reached into my pocket and forgot my key's were on the coffee table. "I'll be back Darlin' I forgot the key's" I walked off back to the house

                                                                Daisy's P.O.V

Brantley left me in the dark. This remind's me of a horror movie scene.... Wait maybe he is trying to scare me "Okay Brantley this isn't funny... I get what you're doing" I looked around the truck. I felt someone grab me and I ended up screaming. They ended up putting me down and laugh. I turned around and saw Kolby "Kolby you brat! You scared the hell out of me!!"

Brantley ran outside to where Kolby and I was at "What's happend?!?" I pointed at Kolby "You're brother scared the hell out of me! I thought you was gonna pull a prank and I started to look around then I felt him grabbing me" He looked at Kolby and ended up hitting him in the shoulder "That wasn't nice! Espically to my girl!"

I looked at him and smiled "So I'm your girl now? I don't remember getting asked that question" Mama came out of the house an looke at us from the porch "What are y'all doing out here for?" I looked at Mama "Mama Kolby scared me! When Brantley went to go and get his key's" She laugh's and smile's "Well honey you are in the Gilbert house hold now. Kolby get in here and help me. Leave your brother and Daisy alone1"

Kolby put's his head down and walked up the stairs. Brantley and I laughed then he opend my door for me. "You know I could've opened" I stepped in and he look's at me "Darlin' I was being a Gentleman and opening the door for you and now I'm gonna close to" He closes my door and run's to his side and got in.  He pull's the key's out of his pocket and put's in then start's it up. He backed out of the drive way and started to head to Pott's Farm.

The radio came on and the song Mama's Song by Carrie Underwood started to play. It had remind me so much of my Mom. She had died right after I got done with High school. I stayed with my Dad and his wife Janet. Dad didn't like me much being there with them so I ended up moving back here to Gerogia. That's when I meet Mama.

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