Chapter 1

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Seliah's POV

I woke up feeling very slumped. My apartment was very small since I was travelling a lot. I tied my hair back and got into the shower. I was really refreshed after my shower. I got dressed into Black ankle heel boots, Black ripped shorts and a belt and a blue tank top.

I didn't put any makeup on and just threw my hair in a messy high ponytail. I glanced at the clock and I was gonna be late for my bus if I didn't leave soon, so I grabbed my books and my bag and left for the bus stop.

As I entered the bus I looked around at all the rouges and of course they were all boys. I could hear them gossiping about me, which I was fine with I just played my music through my earplugs and relaxed.

After around about 30 minutes we arrived. At the front gates all the alpha's and their pack were waiting for all of us to get off the bus. They say it was a safety precaution, but it's just a way for all the non-rouges to insult the rouges behind their backs.

All of the male rouge wolves got off of the bus first. I waited a second and then went. As soon as I was off the bus all the wolves couldn't believe their eyes. A female rouge was rare because the pack was supposed to love the females that were born into the pack even if they didn't have the shifter ability.

Nobody at the school was a female shifter. I was the only one of my kind. It felt really weird. I then saw a guy and he looked really hot. His sent was intoxicating I couldn't believe how amazing he smelt. I got addicted to his sent for a moment.

I continued to walk to the front office to get my schedule, when I noticed two guys that were around the amazing smelling guy follow me.

As I headed into the front office I saw a women at the front desk she was on the phone. I walked up to her and said "Excuse me can I please have my schedule," She waited for a second and put the phone down. She then smiled and said "what's your first name and surname?"

"Seliah Smith," I said as I played with a pen on her desk. The two guys behind me were trying to stay out of sight, but I could see them. They were watching me.

The women finally handed my schedule and I said "Could that of takin' any longer?" The two boys behind me said "Easy rouge don't get your fur in a bunch," They said finally.

I then walked off to get to my first class. Werewolf History. As I walked to my class I couldn't help but notice the music room had blood coming out from underneath the door. I dropped my bag on the floor and ran in. There was a girl laying there almost dead. I screamed put for someone to come and help.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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