Last Night - Jensen

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Running on two hours of sleep, I made my way from my apartment to my trailer.
I got wasted last night. I bought six packs of beer from the corner shop and watched paper view till I got bored.
What was I supposed to do?
She broke up with me after all we've been through. 6 years of nothing, apparently.
I think I past out. I had a few weird dreams. One recurring dream with a motorcycle and the ending of Supernatural, and I think Misha was in one. He always finds his way into my dreams somehow.
Bits of last night come flooding back to me. Stupid phone calls. Chugs of bear. Crying. Shouting. Voicemails from Jared, telling me "it's okay", "to keep on going" and that "there's still chances."
My eyes flutter as I try to stay awake, rehearsing my lines in the back of my trailer. What if I was more like Dean? A girl a night in a dirty motel room. What if I just didn't care?

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