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    Eventually, the two hurried out of the house, just as the sirens were being heard. A third body had been found, and the hysteria in the house was electric. Phil thrived on it, even though he knew it was bad.

     Him and Dan slid into the car and drove away seconds before the police arrived. The silence in the car was smothering Dan, but Phil wasn't bothered. He just wanted to get home. So the car sped down the roads, the windows fogged up from their breath.

    When they got back home, Dan went straight into his room. The cold apartment was shadowed in darkness, as if it knew what Phil had done. He looked around his and Dan's home with accusing eyes, then stormed into his room.

    When he climbed into his bed, he lay and stared at the ceiling. He knew he had done something horribly wrong, but... it was for Dan. If he hadn't done it, what would have happened?

    Why did he have to do it? He wasn't angry anymore, now that he was dead. Phil didn't know what to do. Should he tell the police it was him? Or should he hide it? I would be better to hide it, he thought. If I tell them, I'll never have a chance with Dan.

    He finally settled down from his thoughts, and snuggled down into his duvet. After several seconds he heard a snuffling noise. It sounded like crying.

    Phil climbed out of bed and padded out of his room. He placed his ear to Dan's door and found it was Dan crying.

    "Dan? Do you want me to come in?" He offered, not sure whether he should enter or not.

    "No! No thanks, I'm... I'm fine. Thanks though, Phil." The muffled voice filtered through the wooden door, separating Phil from Dan.

    "Okay, well if you need me... you know where I am." Phil said, leaving to go back to bed.

    Hours after, Dan was lay in bed. He didn't know what to think. Phil was acting really strangely, but then again, he'd never really seen Phil sad. This could be his reaction to their friends deaths.

    Deciding that was the reason for Phil's weird attitude, Dan climbed out of bed. He tiptoed down the hall that was previously occupied by Phil, and opened his friends door. He could see Phil, lying on his side, facing Dan. Dan walked forward, closed the door and slipped into his friends bed. He tugged the covers over them both, and Phil's arms wrapped Dan's torso. Dan couldn't tell whether Phil was awake or not, but he didn't care. He felt warm and safe in his 'friends' arms.


    Phil woke up, and for several seconds, was in a wonderful state of bliss. He hadn't yet remembered the events of last night, and there was a familiar body in his arms. Then it all filtered back to him: Chris, PJ, that other guy, Dan. Dan. The body in his arms...

    Phil looked down at the body he was spooned around, and discovered that it really was Dan. He smiled and let himself snuggle closer for a few seconds before loosening his grip and rolling backwards. Just as he was about to sit up, he heard a sigh come from Dan, who then turned onto his back. His eyes were open, and he looked at Phil. He smiled, but then - as he went through the same morning process as Phil - he remembered the past night.


    Phil didn't know what to say. He knew he couldn't tell Dan what happened, but he had to say something. "What do you remember?"

    Dan flicked his eyes up to the ceiling, before sitting up and looking into Phil's eyes. "I remember flashes of the night, conversations, singing, dancing, stuff like that. Then you woke me up in that cupboard, and I heard something about PJ, Chris and Sam being dead. Then we left."

The MistakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon