Chapter 3: The Sorting

Start from the beginning

When the song ended, McGonagall took out a scroll and started to read off students' names in alphabetical order by last name. To Jasmine there seemed to be a never-ending stream of first years that would walk up to the stool and put on the hat. Sometimes the hat would yell out a house immediately, sometimes it would take a little bit, but it never lasted very long. Jasmine just felt that it was taking forever because she was anxious to see what house she was going to end up in. She was hoping to be in Gryffindor with her cousin and the Marauders, but she wasn't sure. The most that she knew about the houses was what Lily had told her, which wasn't much. Lily knew the most about Gryffindor given that was her house. She also knew some stuff about Slytherin since Severus was in that house. The other two houses she didn't say much about partially because Lily didn't have any friends in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Plus, the subject of the other houses never really came up in their conversations or letters over the years. There was no reason to mention them, anyway. So, really all Jasmine knew about the other two houses was from what she heard the Sorting Hat just sing. Based on what the sorting hat said, she thought that she could maybe be in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, but Jasmine would just have to wait and see what the sorting hat said.

Jasmine was so wrapped up in her own thoughts about what house she would be in that she almost didn't realize that the last first year was being sorted. Lucky for her, James had nudged her just as the hat yelled "HUFFLEPUFF." She gave James a thankful look, before looking toward McGonagall. There was going to be an announcement about her being sorted.

Instead of McGonagall speaking like Jasmine thought, Dumbledore stood up. "Welcome, students, before we begin the usual feast, we have one more student that needs to be sorted. She comes to us from Beauxbatons Academy and will be going into her 5th year here. Once she is sorted, we shall begin with the banquet." Collective groans could be heard from some of the hungrier students, while whispering could be heard amongst others. It was unusual for there to be a student starting at Hogwarts so late.

All the whispering and groans stopped though when McGonagall called out, "Dupont, Jasmine."

Jasmine got up from her spot between James and Sirius, who gave her each a thumbs up before she left. She saw Lily on her way up to the stool. Lily gave her a reassuring smile and mouthed that she would be fine. As Jasmine made her way to the stool, she could feel that everyone was staring at her. It made her slightly uncomfortable, but she dealt with it. She wasn't used to the attention, but she didn't entirely mind it. So, in response to all of the eyes Jasmine knew were on her, she straightened up and smiled as she continued toward McGonagall and the Sorting Hat.

Upon reaching the professor and hat, Jasmine sat down on the stool and McGonagall placed the hat on her head. Immediately Jasmine heard a voice in her ear. "Hmm, you're not another first year."

No, I'm not. I'm to be a fifth year.

"I can see that. You have a well-rounded mind here. Lots of courage. Yes, and also a creative and curious side. Hmm..."

Please I wish to be in Gryffindor with my cousin Lily. My new friends are also there.

"I was planning on putting you there anyway. Your courage and bravery are your more prevalent traits." Before the Jasmine could respond, the hat yelled out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Jaz took off the hat and heard cheering from the table she had been sitting at previously. She smiled at McGonagall before heading off back to where she was sitting. She retook her seat between James and Sirius with a huge grin plastered on her face. Jasmine was so happy that she ended up in Gryffindor, so she couldn't really help the smile plastered on her face.

Soon after she sat down, the tables were filled with lots of food. The dishes were not entirely unlike the ones that she had at Beauxbatons, except at Beauxbatons Academy they served more French type dishes. At Hogwarts there seemed to be more British like dishes. Jasmine didn't mind though. She wasn't really a picky eater. She grabbed what she wanted to eat onto her plate and ate it all. For the remainder of the Feast, she talked and joked around with the Marauders. They were able to tell her that they wanted Jasmine's help in pulling their first prank of the term. They didn't tell her it was a test, though. They kept that part to themselves. Jasmine was excited at the prospect of helping them pull a prank. It was an exciting prospect for Jasmine, but she made them swear that whatever prank they came up with wouldn't be used against Snape. She didn't want to upset her cousin. They agreed to her terms, James and Sirius begrudgingly agreed, though.

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