
710 17 14

Bold words are narrative
parts. Since in the begining
the girls are supposed to be
really drunk, I thought it'd
be better this way because
you know, when you're drunk
I don't think you know what
you're doing.

|4.45 am|

Harlow|*laugh* I
never thought Y/n
would get drunk
like this.

Aubrey|Me neither
you went off girl !

Y/n|I feel so weird
but damn I feel better
at the same time !

Harlow|That's your
first time being drunk
of course you'd feel
weird !

Aubrey|Hold on the 3
of us are drunk how
are we gonna head
home ?

Y/n|There's things
called Uber dumbass !

Aubrey|Oh yeah I

The 3 drunk girls
started laughing like they
heard the funniest joke ever.

Harlow|Ok since I'm
the least drunk, I'll order
the uber !

Aubrey|Woohoo !


8 minutes later

The car arrived and
the girls got in.

As the driver asked where
they were going, Y/n gave
Iann's adress, not remembering
they broke up a few hours ago.

A few minutes later they
arrived and Harlow and
Aubrey helped Y/n to get

As she looked up to the huge
house, flashbacks hit her.

Y/n|Girls wait
stop !

Harlow|What's wrong ?

Y/n|I can't go
back inside.

Aubrey|What the
hell are you saying
you live here you
stupid bitch !

Y/n|We broke up
before I joined yall !

She yelled as tears started
escaping her probably
very tired eyes.

Harlow|Oh fuck I
forgot I'm sorry
please don't cry.


Harlow and Aubrey pulled
their friend in a hug as she
kept uncontrolalbly crying
on their shoulders.

Driver|Hey ladies
sorry to interupt but
we really have to go.

Aubrey|Yes of course
we're coming.


Aubrey|We'll drop
you off at Landon's
ok ?

𝙉𝙀𝙀𝘿𝙀𝘿 / 𝙄𝘼𝙉𝙉 𝘿𝙄𝙊𝙍Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ